» Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:56 pm
I've already pre-ordered. The fact that Oblivion is one of my favourite games, so much about this game seems like an improvement and the wonderful things I've read about and watched in the demo videos have all already whetted my appetite enough for me to know this is a game I want and am very likely to enjoy. So I'm not waiting on a review and from what I've seen of the videos, I don't think I'd trust a really terrible review of the game (doesn't mean I expect it to be perfect for either myself or anyone else but I don't expect any bugs, glitches or things that could have been better or things that could have been done instead will ruin my experience. I also enjoyed the last two Fallout games. I've had Oblivion for about 3 years now, as long as I've had a PS3. It's the only game out of the oldest ones I have that I still go back to and play and only Saints Row 2 rivals it for overall playing time or for overall favourite game. I tend to get bored of a lot of games after the initial novelty and so the handful that I still get the urge to go back to again and again really do stand out for me. I love these kinds of games, I think Bethesda does them really well and I am very much looking forward to getting this game.