» Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:15 pm
Good question about the quality of gaming journalism and, specifically, IGN. I don't trust journalists in general--obviously that extends to gaming journalists. I just can't imagine that individual reviewers don't receive some kind of a kick-back by giving high profile games a better review. If not a kick-back, there must some kind of incentive. I'm willing to admit that this doesn't happen in gaming journalism, but, still, a game--like a book--is hard thing to quantify. Games mean different things to different people. When reading reviews, I usually only look at the technical parts of the review. In general, these guys seem to know what they are talking about. After the technical aspect, though, reviews seem to be rather subjective. In any case, Bethesda has established itself as my favorite developer, so I'll be buying the game for my future PC.