What the hell is wrong with Bethesda? Companions, npcs can't die etc....
It's like they think we can't handle death.. You know it's totally the opposite. When a companion, npc, CAN die it creates so much more of an attachment.. I can remember my elf companion in Skyrim, he'd been with me for ages, so many missions together... When he died in battle it's was genuinely emotional and epic, there was a real sense of loss......
These NPC's that cannot die - you don't give a stuff about them.... They can't die so why waste a Stimpaks on them???
You know so what if they found people would just re-load when Dogmeat died in the early play testing.... SO WHAT?!
I say death is so important in games like this -- it creates more of a connection an attachment with game characters because you know they CAN die.... And you can lose them permanently .....