Does anyone know if there will be Localised Area Damage in Skyrim?
I haven't read anywhere yet about area damage during combat. This was severeley missing in Oblivion: I would arrow a bandit from 50 yards until he looked like Pinhead from Hellraiser, and when he got up and personal with his sword I would switch to melee weapons to finish him off. Although this brought me tremendous joy and laughter, it would be nice if opponents didn't look like walking voodoo dolls.
Fallout 3 had a good(ish) area damage system, where you could cripple an opponents arm or leg and they would drop their weapon or hobble along respectively (I know, I know, stop comparing TES with Fallout!).
Just imagine: an arrow hit in the arm would make them less dextrous, one in the leg would make them slower. A good shot in the 'nads would bring him down to his knees. And a well placed headshot has the potential to kill.
(If this feature isn't incorporated into Skyrim then its no huge loss as I'm easily amused by a bandit with 10 arrows sticking out of his skull while shouting "I've fought stronger Mud Crabs than you"