@Mr. Gary: With Arefu Expanded, there's a spot underneath the bridge that crashes for me no matter what I do with my game. The only way I could go to or leave Arefu is by fast-traveling. I tried taking a different character who had not visited Arefu yet to the area and crashed every time I tried to enter the cell from any direction. The numerous (14?) flaming barrels combined with the new activity were the bane of my existence. I eventually uninstalled it. It's a shame because I loved the quests and the new Arefu.
If you can get through the quests, you should be fine outside of Arefu again. The immediate area of Arefu itself may still give you problems.
So once the quests related to the mod are done, the crashing in areas
away from Arefu stop? Once the quests are done I don't plan on visiting too often anyway, but it's such a nice mod
I'll deal with it for now and get those quests done even if I have to fudge my skills up to get them done (then of course set them back at what they were before).