» Fri May 27, 2011 8:10 am
Arena was a product of a different era of videogames, a naive era, as illustrated by the thong toting woman on the cover.
Almost everything seems corny or naive after enough time has passed. There was nothing particularly corny about Arena when it was issued, nothing that made you say, "Jeez, what were they thinking?"
The female you refer to is well within the Frank Frazetta tradition of fantasy art.
As for the hair, they didn't have a lot of pixels to work with, so the hair was a pretty good choice for a defining characteristic. That's harder to do for males, so the spiky look was perhaps more common that anyone would've preferred, but what can you do when you can't use manga-style eyes? BTW, speaking of manga-style eyes, are Arena's hairstyles any more ridiculous than Final Fantasy's?