You changed the subject of the dispute, again. It's not a matter of "smooth", it's a matter of NPCs and mobs running at light-speed instead of your average pace. You're the one posting irrelevant information and trying to place it on me, but find a single post where I said anything about smoothness. I am talking speed, big difference. Smooth framerates CAN be achieved without having the NPCs run around like they're in a marathon. That was and has been my point the entire time, not how "smooth" you can make an old game run. Most games of that day use a 60Hz refresh (60fps cap) and when you had enough CPU to achieve 60fps and then some, the extra went into extra NPC movement and what-not, unless the game featured a now common technique, framerate-independent movement, in which case every moving thing had a velocity or speed, and a max distance that could be traveled in a single frame, and these things are moved on that scale. Arena does not seem to feature this, because at 60fps on max cycles the NPCs are running around, while at 10k cycles at 60fps they move like they should.
You're the one who has strayed and not read my posts, and thus criticized me on inaccurate grounds, which is why I didn't respond. The entire time I have eben talking about movement and NPC movement, and you're going off about smoothness (framerate-dependent) and such. That is why I ignored it, because responding to off-topic posts further derail a topic.
Again, if you care to say anything or dispute it, do it in PM, but don't post new subjects and attempt to derail a topic. Below are quotes of my posts clearly displaying me referring to NPC movement, not smoothness.
Simple, MAX means that if DOSBox can run at 50k cycles, it will. That will cause Arena to run whacky! Arena runs damn good on my old Tandy 2100 (486SX 25MHz) but the NPCs and such are insanely fast on my P2/233. Arena only needs 10k to 15k to run properly, so we set it to that to keep it running like it did on the machines it was programmed for. Max would be fine fro Duke Nukem 3D in SVGA, or for Daggerfall, but not for Arena.
Arena doesn't seem to tie NPC/mob movement to the framerate, and the faster the framerate, the faster the entire game goes. Playing it on my P2/233 was WAY too fast, but it's just right on a 486DX (33MHz) system.
Using max cycles is bad because Arena will use as many as it can get, which in turn allows it to run too quickly.
If you wish to dispute anything I post int he future, please do so in PM because it seems that every time I post something that I can post evidence of, you seem to want to dispute it and discredit me. I don't mind disputing something in PM and will be professional about it, but it seems you have a problem keeping it off the public forum.
I just ran Arena in DOSBox using max cycles, as you tend to suggest, and have posted a video of it to demonstrate the flaws in doing so. The character is a level one guy I made and got out of the prison with. Note that he can swing his weapon incredibly fast, even faster than a high-level DF character. Also note that the NPCs are no longer walking, but instead running around town. Finally, note that when using max cycles, the messages that phase in seem to take at LEAST ten seconds to do so. The game does have a nice smooth framerate at this speed, but it has the same framerate at a lower setting as well.
The second video is Arena running with everything setup the same, except the cycles are 25000 instead of max. Note that the NPCs now walk around, the weapon swings at a much more believable rate, and that the messages fade in and out properly. This is why I recommended setting DOSBox cycles. I was not attacking your idea or preference of running the game at max cycles, but I was trying to help a new player experience the game correctly, and avoid questions about why the messages take eons to fade in and such. Also note that enemies cans wing their weapons insanely fast on max cycles, and can sometimes hit four or five times in under a second, which can kill you before you can react.
Also note that those two videos I posted a few days ago are now up, Google finally displayed them. It may take a day or two for these to be displayed also, but I don't ahve the bandwidth to host them here at the house just to prove my point to a stranger and hopefully help some new users in the future.