I've had Arena for nearly 10 years now,but was never able to play it
until now. So I am a Very,Very Noob here. The Arena version I originally got came in the combined box of Daggerfall and Arena together;hows That for Old!
My Arena is the one that Bethesda released on CD.
Unfortunately;I never could get Arena to install on my computer;not
even back when I was using windows 95 on an old proprietary 486.
Now I'm running the Free Downloaded version Bethesda Released for
their 10th Anniversary with the Dos Box they recommended.
Are there any patches , or game fixes I need to get?
I've made it out of the First dungeon;just barely mind you. I'm playing
a Khajiit Bard on one game and a Dark Elf Spell Sword on another.
My question is what do you recommend I should do next? I know it's open-ended like Daggerfall and Morrowind;but from what I can see,there are No Guilds to join to get training and Other Essential Supplies.
In Dagger and Morrowind I joined several Guilds to gain Their Support
and Benefits Early on.
Is there such a possiblity in Arena. I Need to do Something to Build
my skills,Badly in fact,as the rats & goblins nearly did me in in the first
dungeon,but what?
Is their a way to join one of the Guilds in Arena as I did in Daggerfall?
The Book Doesn't say,and Apparently Nobody released a Strategy Guide for this game to help you get started. Also what spells do you
recommend as being the Most Absolute Neccesary Ones.
Sheyanne The Wondering Half Elf