Hello everyone. When I decided to get my hands on Arena and Daggerfall quite a while ago (must be about a year now), I tried fiddling with DOSbox to get them both to work. This unfortunately lead to many failed attempts and a lot of frustration. My relief when I found the ArenaSetup and DaggerfallSetup on UESP can't be explained. I downloaded them, played through them and found that Daggerfall has a lot of longevity to it and is something I'll probably play now and then until TES VI comes out. Now, a long time later, I stumble across this forum and after reading through a few posts, I see that the ArenaSetup is apparently pirated because the freeware version of Arena was the floppy disk version. As someone who is against piracy because the developers deserve to get paid, I wasn't too happy to find out about this. And the fact that it's still listed on UESP and probably has been kinda surprised me as it's supposedly a pirated game. I could kind of get rid of my bad feelings considering that the game is 20 years old, that an almost identical version has been released as freeware, and that the CD version is practically impossible to get unless you get Anthology. The reason I made this post is because I'd like confirmation that it's actually a pirated version, if so why it's on UESP, and if Bethesda isn't too happy about it being out there or if they don't care that it's not fully legal and are happy that their work is easily accessible.