I hope you will, many of them have quite crappy textures. I think the lightning gun from Quake has bigger texture than the Tesla Beaton

Still, wonderful work with the guns so far :goodjob:
Yeah the unique energy weapons that Obsidian added - the Tesla Beaton prototype, the unique gauss rifle, the q-35 plasma rifle, the AER14 Laser Rifle Prototype, do not have any 1st person textures. Instead they use retextures of the 3rd person textures. It really does look like you are using something from an old game like Quake 3, Unreal Tournament 1999 or Half-Life 1.
It means you have a stupid situation where a late-game energy weapons character armed with all the coolest, most powerful unique energy weapons... is carrying an inventory full of weapons with [censored] low res textures.
That's not an insult to the talents of the actual artists, though - the meshes and the texture artwork is good, it's just the fact that they are so low resolution that makes them look awful.
Thankfully Madcat has created some higher rest 1st person versions of those textures, but I can't help but be jealous of Guns users when I see what you've done with the ordinary firearms!