Argh that hurt

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:12 am

Probably when I was running at full speed down a corridor and ended up running into a shelf head first. Had to have 7 stitches in my head.

I don't really remember that though since it was so long ago. Another possible one would be when I tried to jump over a knee-high chain and got caught by the foot, sending my body at full speed into the concrete floor. It ached like hell.

Or when I was in the shower and got shampoo in my eyes so I got out the shower to go look for a towel with my eyes closed. I felt one on the floor with my feet and bent down to get it only to wham my face into the hand-basin, chip my tooth, and cut my lip open. Didn't really hurt that much but it was on my sister's wedding day so quite a bit of embarrassment on my part with all the photos and what-not.
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Umpyre Records
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:35 am

1 Childbirth. Not just having my ladyparts rip, but the associated abdominal and pelvic contractions.
2 post -hypoglycemic episode involving convulsions and ventricular defibrillation. So much pain, every fiber of my being hurt. Sixteen layers of holy hell, that one.
3 When my husband says things he really shouldn't. I'd rather go through one and two again.
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carley moss
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:06 pm

I'm still not entirely sure what was going on because I never went to see a dentist about it, but a couple of years ago something happened with my wisdom teeth, suddenly and without warning. It felt like my wisdom teeth exploded and broke part of my jaw. The pain would slowly subside but like clockwork, every hour or so, it would happen again. This went on for about a month. I can only guess it had something to do with my wisdom teeth coming in. Definitely the most excruciating thing I've ever experienced. It trumps getting my leg caught in the spokes of a bicycle when I was 4 and nearly slicing my thumb off with a sword when I was older.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:38 am

I accidentally cut a small piece of my thumb with a sawblade once. It was so damn painful that I almost thought I just had cut my entire thumb off.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:04 am

I cut my finger last year to the point where it needed stitches, you could actually place something under the skin where I cut it so it was fairly deep not to the bone though. But that wasn't that much pain, I also got hit by a car when I was younger, also not as much pain. Also a number of other painful experiences.

The worst?

About 2 years ago when my tooth was infected, the pain was so bad I woke up screaming and it lasted for a couple of weeks before I did something about it. Getting it removed was the most relieving feeling.
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:39 pm

Got axed in my leg a few months ago and had to go to the hospital. Not fun.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:16 am

God, I cannot begin to compare with some of you all...

Worst I've had was spraining my ankle badly, or dislocating my shoulder. Both related to Rugby. Fun sport, high risk.
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:49 am

...........................I ca........can't imagine what you have been through....if you ever come to Copenhagen i will give a beer :foodndrink:

Well, enough beer cures just about anything :P
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:31 pm

Though I don't want to undermine the hurt of getting hit in the junk, it simply doesn't compare. I've taken a fastball pitch there, without a can, and it's not even in my top 5 painful experiences.

A guy two feet taller than me knee'd me in the sack once and the force of it lifted me off the floor for a split second. I was unconscious for about a minute, and when I woke up I promptly threw up and had the worst pain in my sack, my stomach, and had a killer headache. I could barely move for long, long painful minutes. Pain. Not a "Ooo I cut my tongue and because my tongue is senthitive it stings in a painful way." But real, pain.

If I had a choice between somebody cutting one of my fingertips open, and getting booted squarely in the cork 'n' bawls... I'd take the former. Ta. Different type of pain. Totally.
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:37 pm

Well, enough beer cures just about anything :P

That is the ancient secret of the Danes :tongue:
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:20 pm

I lost the tip of my left index finger in a door when I was about eight years old. Some people have talked about cutting their fingers almost off in this thread, but I crushed the tip of the finger OFF. Exposed the tip of the bone, which fractured. I of course lost the nail, which the doctors thought might not grow back and they were thinking they would have to surgically replace it with the nail bed from one of my toes. Thankfully it grew back on its own. I remember my mom putting a washcloth over my finger and having me hold it there until we got to the hospital. Once we got there, much of the blood had dried and stuck the washcloth to my finger, so a nurse had to pour water directly onto the wound to try to loosen it while simultaneously prying it off. Ugh.

Fast forward about 5 years. My friends are play-wrestling at a boy scout meeting, and my much larger friend allows the smaller guy to take him down. Sarcastically I ask, "How did you do that?" to which the big guy replies, "Here, I'll show you." This ends up with my ankle bending such that the outside edge of my foot meets the outside edge of my calf; the joint was folded completely sideways. Thankfully, the doctors didn't have to set the bone; I remember the sickening feeling of my sinew pulling the joint back into place. Then I tried to walk on it... Anyway, I was in a cast for months, and it apparently broke through the "growth plate" which meant that the doctors were fearful it may cause my foot to not grow necessitating surgery yet again. Fortunately I managed to avoid surgery this time as well. However, the ankle was significantly weaker than the other for at least a couple of years afterward; it would occasionally buckle under me and send me to the ground.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:13 pm

Almost a year ago, I broke my clavicle in three places playing lacrosse.

Our team was coming back from a hard loss, so the next practice, our coach punishes us by doing hitting drills. Basically, the point of the drill was that one guy (that guy was me) was scooping up the ball, while three other guys (one up top, and one on the sides), were going in for a hit.

The guy coming in from the right cross checked my clavicle with his stick, extremely hard I might add. I didn't believe anything was broken until I moved my arm around and felt bones moving. Then the pain hit me like a brick wall.

The bone was almost poking out of the skin, forcing me to have surgery. One metal plate and six screws. Oh, and I'm getting another surgery in about a month.

On top of that, the day that I broke it was the day before I was going to see one of my favorite bands. I had bought those tickets two months in advance :banghead:
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:31 pm

Almost a year ago, I broke my clavicle in three places playing lacrosse.

Our team was coming back from a hard loss, so the next practice, our coach punishes us by doing hitting drills. Basically, the point of the drill was that one guy (that guy was me) was scooping up the ball, while three other guys (one up top, and one on the sides), were going in for a hit.

The guy coming in from the right cross checked my clavicle with his stick, extremely hard I might add. I didn't believe anything was broken until I moved my arm around and felt bones moving. Then the pain hit me like a brick wall.

The bone was almost poking out of the skin, forcing me to have surgery. One metal plate and six screws. Oh, and I'm getting another surgery in about a month.

On top of that, the day that I broke it was the day before I was going to see one of my favorite bands. I had bought those tickets two months in advance :banghead:

Lax injuries are so much fun!!! I'm a goalie and a few days ago at practice I had my first shot to the balls of this season :sadvaultboy:
Most painful might have been getting stabbed though, although stabbed is an overstatement that I use to make it sound more badass
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:28 am

Jumped off of a boat going like 50mph or so in the Gulf of Mexico. It felt like I jumped off and hit a concrete sidewalk, then I bounced like 3-4 times. I was fine, then got back on the boat and realized I couldn't move and I was bruised all over. Didn't break anything, just couldn't move for the next week.

Also just recently I went to sleep in a car in an awkward position. Woke up with a hell of a sore neck, couldn't move it for 2 days. I felt odd having to keep my neck turned slightly to the left and had to turn my entire body to speak to someone.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:37 am,1/
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:31 am

Got hit by a car, 27 years ago. I was in such bad shape, they kept me in a medically induced coma for a month and a half.
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Ellie English
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:06 pm

some of my "friends" who decided that i am not even a human anymore after some, hm, complications. i am no saint, i have my faults, i'll admit that. i just didn't know that these faults deserved backstabbing and splitting.
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