» Fri May 04, 2012 3:39 am
I can give you a genericl answer. The game comes with all its "resources" - i.e. meshes, textures etc. - packed into the bsa archives to make the installation simpler, but they acts as if they were sub-folders in the same Data folder. When you add files for your own mods, they go in folders with the same names, and override any of the same names in the bsa's. You don't have to put your files back into the bsa's, just use the same folder names externally that bsa commander shows you inside the archives. I.e. put meshes into Data/Meshes (or sub-folders of that) and textures into Data/Textures. If you extracted files from the archives in order to change them, bsa commander probably created the folders already.
And this thread belongs in the Construction Set sub-forum. I'll report it to be moved.
Edit: CS, not CK. I have Skyrim on the brain.