» Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:30 pm
I saw Argonian language described as "clicks and hisses" somewhere but can't remember where. Oh and it's called Jel.
The change is appearance is simply an aesthetic change, they can make them look better so why not?
Although the Khajiit have a lore explanation as to why they are basically humans with cat tails in early TES games and tiger men in newer ones, they take on a different sub species of Khajiit depending on the phase of the moon when they are born which I think is what month it is, the sub species range from battle cats the size of horses that are used as steeds, to tiny housecats that are skilled mages yet cannot speak and communicate through dancing. Whilst this is all slightly interesting, this explanation has never sat right by me, to me it's just a cover up of them simply wanting a new aesthetic direction for the race, and I don't feel they need to make a bunch of extravagant lore to explain why, as we will probably never see this actually implemented in a game, and if there was ever a game in Elsweyr they would probably have to butcher the lore or even disregard it entirely, I can't imagine them spending the amount of time needed to get over 20 sub species right, therefore I think the whole thing is ridiculous. Also it's a bit strange that every Khajiit we meet in a game somehow happens to be born during the same moon phase as every other Khajiit in the game.
There doesn't need to be explanations for aesthetic changes in my opinion, they are simply making them look better, like they do with all the races, it's just that obviously with beast races they make them look however they like instead of just "more human." Look at the differences in appearance from Oblivion to Skyrim, most races look radically different and yet no lore explanation is demanded for them.