Before you continue reading on please be aware that this thread's topic is of minimal importance.
Anyway, first some quick background: First of all, I'm a reptile fan. That's why I usually choose Argonian. I have a cold-blooded bias.
My first E.S. game was Oblivion, THEN I tried backtracking to Morrowind but I found it hard to get into (although I'm actually just resumed playing today after a 1-year hiatus).
The Argonians in Oblivion look kindof like Caiman Lizards (not actual caimans), but not really. The Argonians in Morrowind... don't really look like anything. More like weird dinosaurs than anything.
I think the Argonians in Skyrim should ideally look like actual lizards alive today [or there should be a mod for it]; for the sake of those few of us who like their pets maybe a little too much and want to play as one in an RPG game. Losers like me... And no I don't mean that they should also have a sprawling posture like actual lizards do. I would enjoy seeing Argonians that look like, oh lets say, leo geckos/monitors/iguanas/beardies/whatever. Probably not chameleons. I'd particularly enjoy a Tegu (my user name) even if it ends up looking something like an obese albino-tiger striped Krogan.
This is not my own picture; mine is still a baby. This was just for reference.
The Kajit, on the other hand, have looked more or less like their real-world counterparts in both games, so I don't see why the Argonians shouldn't.
Any other reptile keepers out there?