Basically my query is: is it generally accepted that argonians can mate with and bear offspring with the other races?
Having spent some time reading into this (and indeed, reading previous threads about it), I was wondering what the general consensus was. It is clearly not entirely conclusive in lore whether or not argonians can mate with others (as perhaps is highlighted by their differing physiology), but I'm not sure whether this necessarily would mean that it would be beyond reason for a half-breed to be born.
It is more generally accepted that, say, a khajiit might mate with an imperial or elf than an argonian, despite that khajiit also have differing physiology. That being said, they are perhaps closer than an argonian and a breton might be, at least both being mammalian. The fact that khajiit are both quadripedal and bipedal, and the existence of the ohmes (who are, I think, supposed to be nearly indistinguishable from bosmer- except for fur???) could be construed as evidence of an ability to interbreed.
There is little known about the other species of argonian, however, and there are no clearly documented cases of them being able to mate with the other humanoids, whether in ancient history or present day.
But the arguments against are somewhat lessened when we take into consideration the tscaesi, which (I believe) are recorded to have commingled somewhat with the imperial race. (that some imperial families still have tsaeci features even now...)
Now, I am not certain, but judging upon appearances I would say that tsaeci are probably more physiologically different to men than argonians are, or at least that they are comparable. If tscaeci could mate with men, is it unreasonable to assume that argonians could?
I am honestly looking for an answer here, or at the very least what the general consensus on this issue is. Any comments would be very much appreciated.