No mention other than in the Morrowind manual. No other mention of changed sixes happen, nor does seem to make sense as argonians can get really old when single gendered. Nothing in lore what so ever other than that mention on the manual
My theory is thus: Hist sap is how the Hist control the Argonian form and mind.
It's been mentioned that Argonians have a different form depending on how many times they've licked the Hist (where it's logical to think sap would be collected). Also, licking the Hist has been tied to an Argonian's gender when they lick it during some puberty ceremony (I think I read somewhere? I wish I could remember these references). This doesn't really make sense given what happens in the Oblivion Fighter's Guild questline -- the Argonians ingest Hist sap on multiple occasions, and though it temporarily drives them berserk, they don't change form. It's also been stated in the Lord of Souls that the Hist changed the Argonians to be stronger for Dagon's invasion, but I don't think goes into detail precisely how they did it.
My idea is that, when an Argonian (or maybe anyone) ingests Hist sap, it physically and mentally changes the person according to what the Hist wants. If they want you to become beefier for combat, you'll become beefier. If they want you to become a female, you'll become a female. If they want you to go mad, you'll go mad. If they later decide you should be a male, when you lick the sap again you'll change into a male. If they think you're just fine the way you are, it does nothing.