According to the official race description on the ESO website:
"The Argonians are possessed of a cool intellect, and are well-versed in the magical arts, stealth, and the use of blades. They are also guerilla warfare experts, long accustomed to defending their borders from invaders. They often serve as the scouts and skirmishers for the forces of the Pact."
So... they're good at magic, stealth and use of blades. Which is to say, they should get bonuses to Magicka, Steath and either 1h, 2h or DW swords.
Instead they get bonuses to:
Health (not Magicka)
Staff (not blades)
Incoming heals (not stealth)
So instead of "stealthy scouts", Argonians are poised to be "staff-wielding tanks". I don't see any other race for which the racials are so completely opposite of what the race is supposed to be. Whether or not racials are powerful is not much issue. My issue is that these racials simply don't AT ALL represent the Argonian race as it is described.