» Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:30 am
So I wrote a substory of Matthias in an alternate roleplaying setting. Since in other worlds, there are no "argonians", but lizard-folk and so on. I kind of made my own lore surrounding this, complete with an entire Kingdom and a nearby desert, where my not-argonian comes from. I know this is the fanfiction section, but since It's kind of the opposite of that (Original story, only the 'race' is inspired by Argonians but, different), and the fact this thread is marked "Art"...
Here's a couple of the supplements I use in this short story.
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y130/AwM_Hemotep/matthias_escorted_by_the_omen-d30em5t.png. He's actually in the process of being released here, but you know how it goes.
Extra note:He's actually slightly bigger than that guard. But with his legtype, and he's hunching over.,
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y130/AwM_Hemotep/matthias_by_the_omen-d30ef86.png. He was in jail for 217 years so he's glad to have his stuff. Notice the sh---eating grin there.