I have found a few small issues in the early part of the game:
In the forge in Ion monastry, the messagebox says you can forge using "Ore, Ore and wood" but it does not specify what ore.
When you hand over the kobolt skins, they are not removed from your inventory (I didn't check the wheat and the eggs).
In fort Ronan the generic guards are missing their arms.
I haven't yet seen if "sechs pferdes" has been translated, since I haven't been there yet, but the questgiver calls it still "sechs pferdes"
I meet two robbers in Stormhold (close to the barracks and the harbour), who didn't attack, which seems wrong.
Prem still has a very large inventory with duplicate items and at least on of the top cuirasses (Cuirass of the saviours hide I believe).
But it's good to be back in Stormhold

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback, but I need some more information for some of them.
For ore, it wants 1 "ductile ebony ore" and 1 "indurate ebony ore". I'll try to make that clearer in the next release.
The string "sechs pferdes" does not exist in Arktwend_English.esm or TAO.esp. This sounds like a problem from an earlier release of Arktwend.
I find no problem with delivering the kobold skins to Brother Tuk. The correct ID for kobold skins is "kobold_skin_01", and this is what is checked for and removed from your inventory via dialogue. Please check the ID of the skins you have by dropping one on the ground the beta comment feature, as explained in the Readme section on Reporting Problems. This also sounds like a problem from an earlier release.
I do not see guards missing arms in Ft. Ronan. Could you please give me a ID of one of these guards (you can use the beta comment feature). This also sounds like a problem from an earlier release.
IDs of the Robbers in Stormwend would help too.
In version 3.1 Prem does not have Cuirass of the Saviours Hide. There is only one copy of that item, and it belongs to a prominent NPC you will meet. In 3.1, Prem sells mostly Bonemold, Chitin and Iron armors, repair items and a small assortment of lower level weapons. Inside the shop, Merre sells lots of higher end stuff. This also sounds like a problem from an earlier release.
The issues you are encountering seem like you have somehow gotten version 2.014 installed, and it is overriding v3.1, so I must ask you to please post your load order. There seems to be something very seriously wrong going on.