+ I experienced crashes that I traced to the "Ring des Skeletts" and the amulet of golden saint summon ("ww_Unsterblich Seelenbeschw?rer"). I believe that this crashing can be fixed by making sure these summoned critters ("bonelord_summon" and "golden saint_summon") set to be "corpses persist". Right now, if you summon them and then leave them in some cell, then quite often at a later date (72 hours) when you try to remove the ring or amulet you will crash. It might be a good idea to review all summoned creatures and set their "corpses persist" switch on. (The MPP does this for Morrowind).
+ Crash when female player equips special armor boots ("DilemStiefelTunier") for the tournament in Stormwend. Rest of tournament armor equips OK. ("DilemStiefel" boots crash when equipped too). The problem is due to something wrong with the female version of the armor, so I just deleted that and use the male armor parts. (I noticed that MCA does the same thing for this armor, which is Jer's Dibella armor).
- The new start to the thieves guild quest really confused me.
- I didn't notice the note that was slipped into my inventory until long after I'd left Stormwend. It would be great if you could add a journal entry so when this happens, the player doesn't have to return to Stormwend and talk to every single soul there. Perhaps it could say "The old drunk dancing around just North of Hagalm's house slipped a note into my pocket when I wasn't looking".
- I never got the beggar's dialogue: "Beast ya lernt da basifen. If ya cant. My uncle's hamhin be called Satire. The basim be Golia. I let you join but I be selfish. Nowsa lets me joy me sweets." So the quest wouldn't start. I just manually advanced A_IV_Diebesgilde3 to 3 using the console.
- Doing the robbery of the Splurging Sturgeon Golia tells me to hide behind bushes by the lamppost. There is no lamppost. I walk a step or two around Golia and some invisible person, Drusus Gratus, hails me. So I talk to Golia who hasn't moved ("good fortune ye return to us"), and he rewards me for the quest. There was no pursuit and escape. Very confusing.
- After escorting Tate to Nembrest, I return to meet him at the bridge to find that a stray goblin has chased him off the bridge and he's walking through the woods. I kill the 3 guys that appear on the bridge, and now Tate is aimlessly walking around the woods. Maybe Tate should be glued in place on that bridge.
+ It seems everyone in Arktwend has the dialog topic "join the Shadow Guild" and it persists even long after you've joined. Maybe it should be filtered by the thieves guild faction and the journal index?
- Gortez no longer asks you to join the city guard. The only dialogue he says is: "Greetings. We have not been introduced yet, allow me? My name is Gortez and I am responsible for training men for the city watch." The topic "join the City Guard" never appears.
+ After the Kanzler's dinner party when Stormwend is burning, if you leave the city via the sewers (to Gronnop Cave, and the Gronbart Lands), then Stormwendvar never gets set to 22 and when you get to Northron, the dwarf King doesn't give you the next quest.
+ There are 3 "BOOK" objects ("a Zwergen Mission 01", "a Zwergen Mission 09", "MauraginsTagebuchseite10") that refer to "ice rink", these should all be "ice hall".
- Various errors seen in Warnings.txt:
Not able to find Forearm part in A_DarkBrotherhood_Pauldron_FA. (repeated many times)
ResolveCollisions attempting to move 'Till00000000' too far.
Script Error: EXPRESSION in ZwergenMissionZettel10
Script Error: EXPRESSION in ZwergenMissionZettel12
Script Error: EXPRESSION in ZwergenMissionZettel13
Script Error: EXPRESSION in ZwergenMissionZettel16
The script errors cause a popup alert, so they are a little bit annoying. They were caused using an undefined local variable "State".
- Mauragin's dialogue at the airship is all doubled.
- I accidentally killed a city guard as I was fighting the Kanzler's men in Stormwend on my way to kill the Kanzler. That means I get a high crime level and further progress in the quest is broken, since when I finally get to the top of Stormwend tower, all Calisto says to me is: "I know you. You're %PCName, the notorious outlaw. Look. I don't want any trouble. But you're scaring me. And I can't think straight when I'm scared." Maybe guards should be disabled temporarily during the part of the quest when lots of fighting goes on? Or maybe it should be legal to kill them?
- Cell "Enderal, Citadel, Top Level" seems to unintentionally have a bunch of Morrowind bandits in it (Rarusu Berethi, Bauril, Milbereth, assorted others). One stairwell goes up to a black hole of nothing. And a bunch of guys with the name "Protect".
+ Goth's Sword icon displays incorrectly. When equipped the icon in the lower left of the screen has a big black border around it because "Arktwend Icons\h?hlreis.tga" is the wrong size. It should be 32x32 not 64x64.
- The entire battle sequence at Trun Telur is skipped if you rest before the bridge that goes there. If you do that, you get woken to the sound of the battle horns, and you can then go through the gate at Trun Telur directly to the battlefield. The journal says they are throwing fireballs at you, but none actually come, and you can just walk right into Enederal without the army appearing on the battlefield. This really messes up the quest, since you can get all the way up to the point where you're supposed to meet your brother, but he does not appear.
- If you rest after the battle at Trun Telur (after journal entry "Mauragin had actually brought the dam down in an explosion"), then the army of Enderal reappears on the plain before Trun Telur again.
- Trun Telur 72hr bug. After Trun Telur, I played through until I was tranported back to Calisto's House. When I'm transported out of there, I got an immediate crash. Reloading a savegame that was saved while in his house gave an immediate crash. Also found out that if I redo Trun Telur from an earlier save, then after that if I rested (anywhere) for 72 hours, I would get a crash. I suspect some object did not get a references/corpse persists checkbox checked. (It's possible to work around this crash by setting DaysPassed to a lower number in the console or create a small patch .esp that sets the GMST fCorpseClearDelay to a very large value). This happened to me in 2 different games in a row.
- CalistosZauberSpruch01 is a global script that never gets stopped.
+ I visited Empire of the Witch King twice, but Asartan never shows up and I never got to take his nifty sword. This appears to be because the dialog that sets the appropriate journal entry never triggers if you kill the gate watchmen in battle before they have a chance to greet you. Perhaps the Witch King should just always be enabled. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't encounter him early, if you're able to take him and all his minions on.
+ Invisible Kanzler gauntlets ("KanzlerGardeArmschienen r.", "KanzlerGardeArmschienen l."). This can be fixed by defining the armor part "a_vs_Armschienen" for the respective *wrist* body parts for these armors. Also, the left/right forearm body parts should be removed. Technically this armor seems to be a bracer, but leaving it as a gauntlet seems okay. I still see a gap between the armor and the elbow if I equip it, but at least the armor is no longer invisible.
+ For the quest to get Wend's feather for Father Honigmond, it's possible to get the feather early just by unlocking the crate. When you take the feather to Honigmond, he does not respond at all. To make the quest more bulletproof, perhaps the crate should have a script that checks for the presence of the key in your inventory. Or just allow the Player to shortcut the quest by unlocking the crate without the key, and have Honigmond only check for the presence of the feather in player's inventory, instead of also checking journal index for A_IV_Kleriker.
+ "Old Shield" ("AltesWappenschild") found in (0, 55) during the Endgame is bugged. When equipped, it will equip with a two-handed weapon like a bow, which shouldn't happen. It also cannot be unequipped and it really blocks your view, so it makes fighting virtually impossible (especially archery). The "Left_Wrist" body part needs to be removed from this armor to fix the problem.
- At least one door in "Worrintor, Castle Interior" is connected to incorrect outside location.
+ I went back to do the Mytrehen massacre quest and Calisto shows up in one of the Mytrehen mountaintop citadels even though it's long after I've killed him/Arkt and the endgame has finished.
- After killing all the Mytrehens and returning to the Sultan of Almasanoar, he gives the quest again.
Cosmetic things:
- I strongly recommend that Masters (.esm files) not have version numbers in them. This is so that plugins that depend on them do not have to be updated every single time the .esm version changes. If people start writing mods for Arktwend, it would be a good thing to have the master just named "Arktwend Emaster.esm". The version number can still appear in the .esm header (which is recommended for things like Wrye Mash and mlox).
- In "Bridge of Saybar'dar: Regulator Rooms" the cranks "a_brucke_krubel_01" (and 02) do not rotate correctly.
+ In stormwend, gate a_walltur_03 is doubled.
- a_Busch_static_01 has some weird texture display problem where the edges of leaves look "frosted" sometimes.
- PflanzenAnimiertesGras01(Arktwend\agraswald01new.NIF) sometimes appears totally white from some angles.
- Many animals (bats, chickens, squirrels) have a default wolf snarl noise they make as you get close. It's disconcerting.
- Strange bird/insect noise that is very loud and annoying, sounds like a very quickly repeated chirp of some sort. Very noticeable walking in the area around Bregen and other forested places.
+ Perhaps "Woman's corpse" (FrauTod) should be renamed "Milabora" as that's the name on her diary. And when you first see her, she's standing, and apparently not quite dead.
+ "Mechanical Sword" is a blunt weapon so maybe it should be renamed "Mechanical Truncheon"?
- Maybe Florian the Adventurer ought to end up in some shop in Nembrest or something. Seems a little weird that he travels to Nembrest only to end up loitering around outside.
+ Missing table in bedroom at top of "Stormwend, Upper Tower", with sewing stuff floating in the air. It would be nice to replace that floating stuff with things that are usable by the PC, like some chests for storing junk.
- All the Mytrehens and minions of Arkt have respawned at Nerx Trasu when I revisit it after the endgame. Seems like it would make more sense if they did not respawn.
+ Raldon in Nembrest should restock arrows.
+ Mage Toran in Bregen should offer something: spells, spellmaking and training? Maybe he could offer Mark/Recall, those would be handy to have. Bregen sorely needs something to make you want to go there

+ Telekinesis is a handy spell for thieves, so I added it to Black Eyed Piet so he can sell it.
+ There's a door in the Mytrehen desert (Sandw?stetor) that continuously relocks itself level 100 until a certain quest variable is triggered. This doesn't make much sense as the Mytrehen would normally be using this door. I changed it so that it is only locked once at the start in ArktSucheTor script.
- Door in mountains a_grabtur_01 just swings and does not teleport to any location.
Balance issues:
+ Bandits (Robber41 and Robber42) in "Abernanit-Cave" seem overpowered. They're faster and stronger than some bosses and killed me with one hit. Maybe their stats should be more like bandits you meet outside.
+ Some bosses that could use a health boost to make them a little harder to kill:
- Hircine in Worrintor.
- Demon Lord Boss at Varsuk (DamonLordVarsuk01). (He's much weaker then the Demon Lord in Tredamor).
- The Hydor Wesson boss (HydorWesenAnfuhrer).
- The Demon King (DamonKonig01) you meet when rescuing Mauragin.
- Many followers now have Companion Share (like Tate), so it's easy to steal all their expensive armor or weapons. Not sure what to do about that. Maybe they don't really need such magnificent stuff, or maybe the stuff's stats should be nerfed a little.
+ It would be great if the Cuirass of the Saviour's Hide was easier to get as it's a nice item to have, and I don't want to kill Mr. Flinkfinger for it. In vanilla morrowind this item is very easy to get early in the game as long as you can pick a lock. One solution that might be satisfactory would be to put it in the Master Theif's inventory. Then you at least have to work for it.
+ Asartan's sword is quite powerful, but it is just a "normal weapon" and so daedra and undead are immune to it. Since Asartan is surrounded by undead, I thought it more fitting to have this weapon ignore normal weapon resistence.