» Fri May 27, 2011 3:02 pm
I've posted a new version of my http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28293. Lots of changes and fixes in this release.
This release also has readable roadsigns and more mods included. If anyone wants to suggest some mods to include, I will consider them. Here's a list of what's in there now:
* Andy's Texture Alternatives Pack (ATAP) 2.0, by Andy (selected textures)
* Area Effect Arrows, by Bethesda
* Better Blood Texture, by TheGreatSchnoopiSchnozzle
* Bottle Replacer, by Qarl
* Chalk 3.0, by ManaUser
* Correct UV Rocks, by Nich
* Creature Additions, by Demon Xen
* DNCTextures512 + Addendum + WT, by Darknut (Creature textures)
* DNCTextures512_BM, by Darknut
* DNCTextures512_TB, by Darknut
* DNDT, by Darknut (Dwemer textures)
* DNWeaponsComplete-512, by Darknut
* Dwemer Golem, by Damien
* Golden Gold, by Arcimaestro Antares (modified to be pluginless)
* Imperial Housing Add-on, by AnOldFriend (thatch texture)
* K Potion Upgrade, by J.Knez [schwaa]
* Magic Border Icon Replacers, by Marbred
* Moons Soul Gems, by Infectious Moon (modified to be pluginless)
* Morrowind Visual Pack 3.0, by Ayse, Lord Gabryael, Qarl, Raptre, & Zuldazug
* Nangsid Taps and Rugs, by Nangsid
* New Elemental Damage Effects + NEDE(NPC size mesh) add-on, by rocker
* Pluginless NoGlow, by Plankye
* Sail Cloth Retexture SCR - Tribal, by Alaisiagae
* Vivec Retextured, by AnOldFriend
* Windows Glow v. 1.75, by Max a.k.a. ~NOBODY~