That is very odd. I don't think you have it installed wrong because you won't have gotten this far without having other types of errors. Just for my own peace of mind. Check the following
1) Using v2.014 with patch updated for v2.014.
2) Only mods activated Arktwend EMaster V2.014 and Arktwend Patch to v2.014. You could have the Bank activated but it has nothing to do with these guys.
3) Using ini from download
You are using that setup right?
I would think if you had any German esp checked you would be getting something in German.
Now when you said you started over, did you delete all the old saves? Because if they are a different version they can cause conflicts if by chance you selected one along the way and are using it. Objects tend to go missing when that is done.
I just remember a thing about placing a lost companion with consul (not recommened) but you could try it since he is not a companon and not needed again. Go to where the other two mercenaries are during the day time so that they are there, open the consul and if I have it right, type in PlaceAtPC "DIEBSoldnerHautmann" 1 2 1 that might work.