Hi guys i've got some questions.
For my fresh oblivion installation I decided to use only T.I.E. (i would try this time without FCOM installation).
My question: is possible to play T.I.E along with Armamentarium complete + artifacts (meaning if you need or not some patches to make them compatible with each other) ?
If anyone has tested a similar thing (TIE + Armamentarium installation without any other overhaul mod like OOO,FCOM, etc) and managed to get it all done without any problems, please explain me how do for get working these 2 mods without conflicting or CTD.
If you have wrye bash installed then you can make tie and armamentarium work together really good. But can be done without bash, but you will not get same results.
I have looked at the bashed patch results myself . TIE is going to handle everything that is normally does all the placed objects, npc levels, npc changes etc,
Armamentarium will take over leveledlist for weapons and armor. And will be dominate and you would only end with Armamentarium Armor and Weapons and armor showing up those npc from TIE that use vanilla leveledlist. Has Tie removes alot of armor from leveledlist itself, these end up getting replaced with Armamentarium / Artifacts Stuff has well.
Once again use bash for best results. Load Like So..Has load order is important..