Got confuse here
BOSS gives me these :
. Note: Don't use with either 'ArmamentariumLL.esp' or 'ArmamentariumLL4OOO.esp'.
Is this an error from BOSS side?
That is error from BOSS Side.
You can use ArmamentariumLLVendors.esp with LLOOO.esp,
it is ArmaLLArmaVendors that you do not use.(that is for vanilla users)..
Neither did it wrong. You CAN use LLVendors.esp, but your game will be imbalanced, because you can buy glass or daedric level items at level 1 from vendors, which will unbalance your game.
No ..
LLVendors.esp does not let you buy glass or daedric item at lvl 1 not sure where you got that from.
The highest lvl armor and weapons you can get with that is elven weapons and steel Armor
LLArmaVendors will give you more weapons and armor types up to elven and mithril and orcish armor but it not for OOO users once again.
Edit: And what does LL magic do?
Add Enchanted Version of ArmamentariumWeapons to levedlist and loot leveledlist ..Only for Vanila Users once again..
Haha, no problem, actually the word unbalance already put me away from it, but still curious to know though

. Thanks again
What is means by unbalanced
Items will appear before they normally should if using another overhaul itself aka Frans / OOO / TIE / that changes what lvls items show up at.