[RELZ] Armamentarium Complete v1.3 & Artifacts Support [RELZ

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:16 pm

Haha sorry I got confused with LLVendor and something else
And I use the pyffied meshes you just uploaded and nothing is missing. I checked with startquest trfartest and can see everything.
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Kaley X
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:55 pm

Hey I JUST installed Armamentarium Complete v1.1, Don't know why I downloaded an old version, but May I ask how I would go about updating my armamentarium?
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:41 pm

Hey I JUST installed Armamentarium Complete v1.1, Don't know why I downloaded an old version, but May I ask how I would go about updating my armamentarium?

Download the 1.2 version and Armamentarium Resources and unzip, and overwrite everything has needed is all you need to do..
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:16 am

Download the 1.2 version and Armamentarium Resources and unzip, and overwrite everything has needed is all you need to do..

Ok.. Thanks..
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:39 am

Hey Corepc, I just want to say a big thank you for all the hard work you (and the rest of the team, don't want to leave anyone out) have done on this mod and MMM and TT. It's all beautiful, beautiful art and makes Oblivion so much more of an amazing game. And man, when you put this stuff together with mods like FCOM and Item Interchange...the end result is just totally mind-blowing.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:06 pm

Does anybody have any missing meshes with arma resoureces package that was uploaded.

I got a pm from someone stating that these items are not showing up correctly, they are in download package and setup correctly in game and show up fine for me.

try doing a clean install of armamentarium itself..remove all trfar directory from data meshes and textures directory.

I can tell you that all the files are there and work correctly in game. So is has to be something on your end.

I have not seen any missing meshes from any of my 200 plus mods so far...Im now a level 22 blade & heavy armour specialist and have been all over the place. My download was from 4-6 weeks ago.
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Julie Ann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:27 am

Hey Corepc, I just want to say a big thank you for all the hard work you (and the rest of the team, don't want to leave anyone out) have done on this mod and MMM and TT. It's all beautiful, beautiful art and makes Oblivion so much more of an amazing game. And man, when you put this stuff together with mods like FCOM and Item Interchange...the end result is just totally mind-blowing.

Thank you, just wait for the next versio in which it will include support for Trollf Artifacts weapons and armor has well..

Which really expanded Armamentarium Itself to be even more massive..Which is currently in testing by team. and working quite well.

So well that perhaps I may release just a Arma Update this week maybe..

ArmamentairumLL.esp has been rebuilt to use leveledlist instead to support artifacts item expanasion. Even more balanced now with artifacts expansion..

LLOOO version weapons stats have been rebalanced for OOO in omobs format. Which make the plugin almost has big has the esm it itself..LOL..

No magic yet, has I have to rebuild master leveledlist for Magic Items so they work better in the OOO version.

I have not seen any missing meshes from any of my 200 plus mods so far...Im now a level 22 blade & heavy armour specialist and have been all over the place. My download was from 4-6 weeks ago.

Well I posted a pyfii version of ArmamentariumComplete just a few weeks ago and if you are using that then you are up to date on resources..So that is what I a referring to when I asked about missing meshes etc..
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:29 am

Public Release of Armamentarium Complete 1.3 with Artifacts Support



Armamentarium Complete 1.3 Fixes and Additions

By Team Arma - Trollf, Corepc, Dev_Akm, Lilith, Vacuity, and TEAM Alpha Testers.


Fixes 1.3

- Artifacts II Support Plugin
- Few Names have been corrected
- Few Weapons pointed to use correct nif
- ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp - updated script issue
- Many New Master Leveledlist where Added to provide Support for Artifacts Mod


New Plugin..

Artifacts for ArmaComplete.esp (0.20) - this requires

Either ArmamentariumLL or LLOOO
Artifacts - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp

This Add Support for Trollf Wonderful New Addtion the Artifacts Mod itself. Which could only be bought at the Guild Store Itself.

- You can now earn them by finding them via loot or on Npcs or Creatures. Which make gameplay even more fun now.
- Artifacts Add 50 New Sets of Armor from Iron up to Daedric, Fur to Glass,
- Over 300 New Weapons from Rusty and Copper Iron, Bronze, and even some new Deadly Halbred has well.
- All Added to Armamentarium master leveledlist so that they will show up on Npc and Creatures In Game.
- Using either ArmamentariumLL.esp or ArmamentariumLLOOO.esp the Artifacts Weapons and Armor will show up in game via these plugin. and these plugin will address Item Scaling has well.

- No enchanted types yet or armor. Or Clothing or Misc Items have been added. Or Rebalance for MOBS or OMOBS Stats either. This is first release and will be expanded to include thos items above that have not been added..


ArmamentariumLL.esp (1.3) - Rebuilt to use Master Leveledlist instead.

- rebalances how weapons and armor where being dealt out. Armor has been much more diverse thanks to Artifacts plugin has well.
- Weapons are much more balanced has to what types you will find.
- Clutter Weapons are less dominate
- Creatures Weapons leveledlist where redone. To provide Greater Diversity has well on what they used.
- High Level Dremora can now utilized more weapons types has well.
- Gobling carry less clutter weapons and more regular types,
- and various other leveledlist fixes.
- Loot List Updated has well.


ArmamentariumLLOOO.esp (Version 2.0) - Dev_Akm rebalance

- all Armamentarium weapon stats to be more OMOBS Like and Fixes Some Stats has well.
- Many of Arma Weapons will be more durable, or less durable, weigh more or less, or do more damage or less damage.
- Nothing Else has changed with this plugin at this time. Enchanted Items are scheduled for a Later Release.
- Supports Artifacts for ArmaCompleteAddon.esp has well.


ArmamentariumLLVendors (1.3) - Updated Vendor Ammo to Use Master Leveledlist Instead.

ArmamentariumLLArmaVendors (1.3) - Rebuilt to use Master Leveledlist Instead. Items to be bought are still the same. Read 1.2.2 Notes below.


ArmamentariumLLMagic - (1.3) - No Changes have been made to this version other than updating the version numbers. Changes are planned to happen like Armor Additions with future release..


ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp (1.3)

Trollf Updated Artifacts Script to resolves this issue. Where some artifact spells would be removed if you had nature staves unequppied/equipped at same time.



Team Armamentarium

PS: I will update Tesnexus has soon has it back working right once again, for now 1,3 Updates is hosted on 4shared.

Uploading Resources.7zip to FileFront has well..good to have back up site..
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:46 am

Awesome update -- glad to see these things in the leveled lists where they're appropriate. Thanks!

Great to hear about the upcoming EVE HGEC support as well.
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Farrah Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:45 pm

Awesome update -- glad to see these things in the leveled lists where they're appropriate. Thanks!

Great to hear about the upcoming EVE HGEC support as well.


Assumming you are talking about the Artifacts Expansion Itself. If so then those weapons and armor should be item scaled correctly depending on what ArmaLL plugin you are using once again.


http://www.filefront.com/14204573/ArmaCompleteResources.7z/ - this is pyfii version that contains all armamentarium files..Required..

1.3 Version uploaded to Tesnexus, I will have to update the information on page once tesnexus issue are solved..
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:30 pm

Downloading right now. Great Job :)
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luke trodden
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:46 am

Sooo...this maybe a dumb question but...it this supported with FCOM? I read its not MOBS compatible? I currently run FCOM, HGEC and Male body V4. What parts of this mod can I use?
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:37 pm

Sooo...this maybe a dumb question but...it this supported with FCOM? I read its not MOBS compatible? I currently run FCOM, HGEC and Male body V4. What parts of this mod can I use?

FCOM Is Supported through the ArmametariumLLOOO.esp and that is OMOBS Compatible which is what system OOO uses for stats on weapons in fcom. Which has been updated has of 1.3 Version.

HGEC - Look for EVE HGEC that has Body Conversion for that..see EVE in sig..

Roberts Male Body 4.0 is supported misc downloads on Tesnexus Armamentarium Download..

Artifacts II Mod - has limited body support at this time only Roberts Male and Female are complete..


Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.esm

Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.esp
ArmamentariumLLMagic.esp (Unbalanced Currently for OOO)

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:39 pm

So I shouldn't install the Magic esp?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:00 pm

So I shouldn't install the Magic esp?

Correct, still unbalanced, has I need to revamp it leveledlist for OOO. On my list to do trust me.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:02 pm

Core thanks for the work you do on this and all the other mods. I don't use OOO or FCOM but I am using MMM and would like to use this in conjunction, is there a stats adjustment .esp for that or would I need to make one? Also, I'm not really fond of the farmers strike back bits, which lists would I need to comment them out of?
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:54 am

but I am using MMM and would like to use this in conjunction, is there a stats adjustment .esp for that or would I need to make one? Also, I'm not really fond of the farmers strike back bits, which lists would I need to comment them out of?

For MMM..no need for special plugin, mmm does not alter item leveledlist for weapons and armor. So load like so.


MMM.esp and Plugins..


Farmers strike back the rate in which they show up in 1.3 version have been reduced quite a bit.

you need to remove all the trfarLL1WeapClutter*.* leveledlist from all the tfarLLWeaponIron*.* List. to remove fsb items..
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:53 am

Just FYI, the load order you gave for use with FCOM is not what BOSS outputs. It puts FCOM.esm and MMM.esm before Arma.esm and Artifacts.esm . It also puts ArmaLLVendors.esp, ArmaArtifacts.esp before ArmaLLOOO.esp.
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:50 pm

Just FYI, the load order you gave for use with FCOM is not what BOSS outputs. It puts FCOM.esm before Arma.esm and Artifacts.esm and ArmaLLVendors.esp, ArmaArtifacts.esp before ArmaLLOOO.esp.

Boss has not been updated yet. with 1.3 version yet. Has Arma.esm can be moved above MMM.esm and FCOM.esm in particular.

It is fine to load Arma and Artifacts.esm before fcom.esm with 1.3 that is where they should be at. There is nothing that will conflict with fcom.esm itself loaded this way. It has been resolved has of 1.3, the adventurers leveledlist that where conflicting. They now use the same leveledist that those from Frans, OOO, MMM do. Which means Adventurers in Arma can now wear everything. Not limited anymore to just certain arma gear.

ArmaLLVendors, ArmaArtifacts.esp, has long has those are loading after FCOMConvergence.esp it is all right.

Most of Arma Plugins can be merged anyways with wrye bash including artifacts-armacompleteaddon.esp. So make sure to do that has well.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:15 am

Done and Done. Thanks as always.
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:59 am

Corepc and team, we love you all! :wub: So great to see this update! New releases like this motivate me to do my part in modding Oblivion. (Yeah, I'm going to do AWLS SI soon, really!) ;)
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Rex Help
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:13 am

Just popping in :ninja:

Congrats on the update :)
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Danii Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:29 pm

Corepc and team, we love you all! :wub: So great to see this update! New releases like this motivate me to do my part in modding Oblivion. (Yeah, I'm going to do AWLS SI soon, really!) ;)

Only thing that this update did not have was the LLMagic for OOO. That is still being worked on.

Else with Artifact II support - the selection of weapons and armor are massive now. Over 1300+ New Weapons and Over 527 New Armor's..between the two now..

Well I could also post the MMM update but it not ready yet..Would that motivate you even more on AWLS SI..LOL..I know All Natural comes first.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:20 pm

Over 1300+ New Weapons ..

That's because I wanted every single weapon in ARES to have different shape. But I failed to do so... :/

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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:12 am

That's because I wanted every single weapon in ARES to have different shape. But I failed to do so... :/

Well when ARES comes out it will be great.


Updated Tesnexus Page with 1.3 Info. Guess DarkOne has fixed the problem now..
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