Hey Corepc, I just want to say a big thank you for all the hard work you (and the rest of the team, don't want to leave anyone out) have done on this mod and MMM and TT. It's all beautiful, beautiful art and makes Oblivion so much more of an amazing game. And man, when you put this stuff together with mods like FCOM and Item Interchange...the end result is just totally mind-blowing.
Thank you, just wait for the next versio in which it will include support for Trollf Artifacts weapons and armor has well..
Which really expanded Armamentarium Itself to be even more massive..Which is currently in testing by team. and working quite well.
So well that perhaps I may release just a Arma Update this week maybe..
ArmamentairumLL.esp has been rebuilt to use leveledlist instead to support artifacts item expanasion. Even more balanced now with artifacts expansion..
LLOOO version weapons stats have been rebalanced for OOO in omobs format. Which make the plugin almost has big has the esm it itself..LOL..
No magic yet, has I have to rebuild master leveledlist for Magic Items so they work better in the OOO version.
I have not seen any missing meshes from any of my 200 plus mods so far...Im now a level 22 blade & heavy armour specialist and have been all over the place. My download was from 4-6 weeks ago.
Well I posted a pyfii version of ArmamentariumComplete just a few weeks ago and if you are using that then you are up to date on resources..So that is what I a referring to when I asked about missing meshes etc..