[RELZ] Armamentarium Complete v1.3 & Artifacts Support [RELZ

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:47 pm

Hey I just upgraded from 1.2.2 to 1.3 today and cleaned most of Armamentarium(and its Artifacts) plugins with tes4edit

Artifacts.esmRemoving: AbandonedMine "Abandoned Mine" [CELL:00015C3D]Removing: GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 4Removing: GRUP Interior Cell Block 9[Removing "Identical to Master" records done]  Processed Records: 1565 Removed Records: 3 Elapsed Time: 00:00[Undeleting and Disabling References done]  Processed Records: 1562 Undeleted Records: 0 Elapsed Time: 00:00ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp[Filtering done]  Processed Records: 1218187 Elapsed Time: 00:11Removing: [REFR:000A8868] (places CaveDustyAmb400 [LIGH:00047C20] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShadowsRestCavern02 "Shadow's Rest Rocky Run" [CELL:000A7949])Removing: [REFR:0018D63C] (places CaveDaylight500 [LIGH:000180B5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SmokeHoleCave02 "Smoke Hole Brass Tomb" [CELL:00083719])Removing: [REFR:000A79AF] (places RootHavok07 [STAT:00060359] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GreenmeadCave03 "Greenmead Inky Grottos" [CELL:000A7954])Removing: [REFR:000A79AD] (places RootHavok01 [STAT:0006035D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GreenmeadCave03 "Greenmead Inky Grottos" [CELL:000A7954])[Removing "Identical to Master" records done]  Processed Records: 491 Removed Records: 4 Elapsed Time: 00:00Undeleting: [REFR:0010F91D] (places ARBench01 "Stone Bench" [FURN:0010F91B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Veyond04 "Veyond Gandrasel" [CELL:00015F85])Undeleting: [REFR:000A8864] (places CaveDustyBrightAmb700 [LIGH:000998F6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShadowsRestCavern02 "Shadow's Rest Rocky Run" [CELL:000A7949])Undeleting: [REFR:0007C319] (places CaveGrayishAmb400 [LIGH:0001BC1C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BorealStoneCave "Boreal Stone Cave" [CELL:00038577])Undeleting: [REFR:00091C1F] (places CaveGrayishAmb400 [LIGH:0001BC1C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BorealStoneCave "Boreal Stone Cave" [CELL:00038577])Undeleting: [REFR:00091BF9] (places CaveGrayish400 [LIGH:0001BBFF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BorealStoneCave "Boreal Stone Cave" [CELL:00038577])Undeleting: [REFR:00091BF8] (places CaveDaylightAmb200 [LIGH:00022864] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BorealStoneCave "Boreal Stone Cave" [CELL:00038577])Undeleting: [REFR:000A28B7] (places MiddleBowlTanCandles01 [STAT:00024D96] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictAFightingChance "A Fighting Chance" [CELL:0002C170])[Undeleting and Disabling References done]  Processed Records: 487 Undeleted Records: 7 Elapsed Time: 00:00ArmamentariumLL4OOO.esp[Filtering done]  Processed Records: 1276383 Elapsed Time: 01:04Removing: trfarAkaviriBlack2Short3 "Akaviri Black Daito" [WEAP:0200C85F]Removing: trfarAkaviriBlack2Short2 "Akaviri Black Daito" [WEAP:0200C85E]Removing: trfarAkaviriBlack2Short1 "Akaviri Black Daito" [WEAP:0200C85D]Removing: trfarIronBlack1Katana2 "Iron Black Ruined Katana" [WEAP:0200AFCA]Removing: trfarClutterStick02 "Wooden Stick (long)" [WEAP:02005BAC]Removing: trfarClutterLog01 "Log" [WEAP:02005BA8]Removing: trfarClutterLamppost01 "Lamppost" [WEAP:02005BA7]Removing: trfarClutterLadder01 "Ladder" [WEAP:02004CF1]Removing: trfarClutterRod01 "Metal Rod" [WEAP:02004322]Removing: trfarClutterShovel01Dirty "Shovel (dirty)" [WEAP:020020A0]Removing: trfarWood2Stick1 "Wooden Stick" [WEAP:02001793]Removing: trfarWood2Club1 "Wooden Club" [WEAP:02001792][Removing "Identical to Master" records done]  Processed Records: 1625 Removed Records: 12 Elapsed Time: 00:00[Undeleting and Disabling References done]  Processed Records: 1613 Undeleted Records: 0 Elapsed Time: 00:00Artifacts.espUndeleting: [REFR:00171DDA] (places RockGreatForest085 [STAT:000250AB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:00005FE6] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at 2,6))[Undeleting and Disabling References done]  Processed Records: 84 Undeleted Records: 1 Elapsed Time: 00:00

Are these records safely removable?

Also WryeBash counts Artifacts - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp and ArmamentariumLLVendor.esp as being mergable, does this mean that I can safely deactivate the esps after I merge it to bashed patch?(and does any bash tags needed for these esps?).
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:10 am

Hey I just upgraded from 1.2.2 to 1.3 today and cleaned most of Armamentarium(and its Artifacts) plugins with tes4edit

Are these records safely removable?

Thank for reporting. I will look them over and fix has needed..

But I know

Artifacts.esm - safe to remove Abandoned Mine for sure.

Artifacts.esp - will have to check to make sure about that rock if safe to undelete.

ArmamentariumLLOOO.esp - Do not clean this plugin all changes are meant to be this way in this plugin.

ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp - This plugin make massive changes to cells and some of these changes are needed in order for things to work right. So I will have to closely examine it.
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David John Hunter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:14 am

Thanks for replying, I take it that I don't need to clean those plugins at all? Also please answer my second question(I edited my posts too late....)
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:14 am

Thanks for replying, I take it that I don't need to clean those plugins at all? Also please answer my second question(I edited my posts too late....)

Also WryeBash counts Artifacts - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp and ArmamentariumLLVendor.esp as being mergable, does this mean that I can safely deactivate the esps after I merge it to bashed patch?(and does any bash tags needed for these esps?).

Yes, for now do not clean them, I will fix them once again.

Yes, you can bash merge all of armamentarium plugins

expect the ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp, Artifacts.esp plugin.

everything else can be merged and deactivated in wrye bash. If it is green is mergable..

Bash Tags are not needed since Armamentarium is only adding new weapons and armor to leveledlist and not relev/delev vanilla leveledlist for weapons and armor. Wrye bash does the rest.
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Kira! :)))
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:20 am

Thanks for the updated mod (one of the best!)
A small problem: I installed like this:
Artifacts - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp
EVE for Armamentarium (Armamentarium female.esp)

Waiter respawn time + 1 day, left leyawin, met merchant from Travellers 1.39... with WTF I Am Missing Mesh. Had CTD before managed to cast Form ID Finder, reloaded the last save, same merchant had invisible boots from Artifacts...

So, do I need Artifacts.esp if I have Artifacts - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp?

I installed only ArmaCompleteResources PYFFIed instead of the numerous files. Topped it with Robert for Arma, Robert for Artifacts and EVE for Armamentarium... anything wrong with that?

Why the missing meshes? Missing items?

Edit: I must be blind, saw Corepc's instruction after I asked my silly question... sorry, my bad... :D Don't answer. Lucky I didn't do this to bg, he would give me piece of his mind...
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:04 am

I installed only ArmaCompleteResources PYFFIed instead of the numerous files. Topped it with Robert for Arma, Robert for Artifacts and EVE for Armamentarium... anything wrong with that?

Why the missing meshes? Missing items?

Edit: I must be blind, saw Corepc's instruction after I asked my silly question... sorry, my bad... :D Don't answer. Lucky I didn't do this to bg, he would give me piece of his mind...

I will go ahead and answer even though you have figured it out..

Artifacts.bsa need to get loaded correctly, either with Artifacts.esp, or via adding artifacts.bsa to sarchiveline, or by extracting the meshes and textures from bsa to data meshes and textures directly.

Artifacts Armor has not been converted yet for EVE. I have been working on the EVE C Cup and Normal Lower. Converting all that I can. There are a few that I cannot do and will require some one else with body modding exprience to do. I have put a request out for assitance on this on tesadventurers site.

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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:33 pm

just a little bump. to see if anyone has any feedback about how often artifacts items are appearing versus those from armamentarium ,

if you know what to loook for that is.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:27 pm

just a little bump. to see if anyone has any feedback about how often artifacts items are appearing versus those from armamentarium,
if you know what to loook for that is.

bump for input for those that have updated or not,

and also how is new LLOOO.esp working for you OOO(FCOM) users..
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:17 pm

The new armors seem well distributed in levels <10 and >20... I'm still looking at the 11-15 range, my level 14 does not seem to be seeing as much show up there. :)
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:22 am

The new armors seem well distributed in levels <10 and >20... I'm still looking at the 11-15 range, my level 14 does not seem to be seeing as much show up there. :)

Both Heavy and Light Armor and Defensive Weapons..?

has I can see some leveledlist that I could adjust to increase the frequency of arma/artifacts drop's.

Lvl 15 you should start seeing more Dwarven Types or ChainMail Types..
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Jack Walker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:33 pm

OH wow,
how come I always miss these things...
Must've been Fallout.

In any case, I'll get to installing the artifacts addon straigh away, what a treat!

So, this makes the total of distributed items to about a 1205 items...man...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:52 pm

So, this makes the total of distributed items to about a 1205 items...man...

Arma has 1061 Weapons, Ammo, Armor,
Enchanted Weapons Added another 967 to exact
Artifacts has 609 Items In All Weapons, Armor, Ammo, Clothing, Robes, Amulets. But not all of this stuff is put into play the clothing, robes, amulets, misc stuff..

So in all over 2637 Items spread across two.esm..

That number will grow soon with enchanted armor has well.. :bigsmile:
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:29 pm

Wow, that's a lot of metal....I'm going to need some working saddlebags now. Guess I'll have to bust out the CS and finish the little addon I made for the MMM Horses plugin for saddlebags compatibility. B)

Corepc, Is there a huge difference between the normal Magic esp and the one that will be balanced for OOO? Are there a lot of changes that would make it more beneficial to hold off until the OOO version of that addon comes out?
I keep wondering if I should try out the Magic esp when I set everything up, or if I should just hold off for the OOO balanced one....
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:35 pm

Wow, that's a lot of metal....I'm going to need some working saddlebags now. Guess I'll have to bust out the CS and finish the little addon I made for the MMM Horses plugin for saddlebags compatibility. B)

Corepc, Is there a huge difference between the normal Magic esp and the one that will be balanced for OOO? Are there a lot of changes that would make it more beneficial to hold off until the OOO version of that addon comes out?

I keep wondering if I should try out the Magic esp when I set everything up, or if I should just hold off for the OOO balanced one....

Best to wait for the OOO Magic Version has that will be balanced and will not offset OOO leveledlist. If you use it currently you will find stuff way before you normally would in OOO. Since it use vanilla scaling after all.

The OOO version will be balanced and items will appear at correct lvl has OOO put them. Once it is finished once again. Plus next Magic version will feature Armor has well. Both Vanilla and OOO and possibly a new frans version has well.
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:10 am

Best to wait for the OOO Magic Version has that will be balanced and will not offset OOO leveledlist. If you use it currently you will find stuff way before you normally would in OOO. Since it use vanilla scaling after all.

The OOO version will be balanced and items will appear at correct lvl has OOO put them. Once it is finished once again. Plus next Magic version will feature Armor has well. Both Vanilla and OOO and possibly a new frans version has well.

I'm using FCOM with Roberts male/female bodies and have a few pre-install questions. I'm going to install Armamentarium and Artifacts, so currently for an FCOM install you recommend the following until the magic plugin is updated?


Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.esm

Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.esp
Roberts Armamentium female.esp


Do I need to install the Artefact Robert's meshes too or just the Armamentium version?

Lastly, what exactly will be missing without ArmamentariumLLMagic.esp?

Thanks :)
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megan gleeson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:31 pm

I'm using FCOM with Roberts male/female bodies and have a few pre-install questions. I'm going to install Armamentarium and Artifacts, so currently for an FCOM install you recommend the following until the magic plugin is updated?

Do I need to install the Artefact Robert's meshes too or just the Armamentium version?

Lastly, what exactly will be missing without ArmamentariumLLMagic.esp?

Thanks :)

That is correct load order for Armamentarium/Artifacts in FCOM..So that is okay.

Yes, you need to install Artifacts for Roberts if you are using those body mods, else armor/clothing/robes will not show up properly on npcs.

ArmamentariumLLMagic.esp - only enchanted armamentarium Weapons. Please read above has I have stated not to use LLMagic.esp with OOO/FCOM because of balancing issue.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:37 pm

I remember hearing somewhere, that this would be put with Francesco's. Is that true, if so, any ETA?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:55 am

Thanks for the help corepc, got it up and running:)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:01 am

Any plan to transform this mod into a BSA archive? Like OOO and MMM. Could it be advantageous?
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Nana Samboy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:24 am

Any plan to transform this mod into a BSA archive? Like OOO and MMM. Could it be advantageous?

Actually yes, has it saves a ton of space being in uncompressed bsa.

but the problem is going to armamentarium uses an esm and well you would have to rename the bsa to same has the whatever LL.esp you are using in order to get to launch without needing to register bsa in oblivon.ini or use another method. So this is downside to esm / bsa only. Making sure bsa get launched correctly after all.
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kristy dunn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:10 pm

Actually yes, has it saves a ton of space being in uncompressed bsa.

but the problem is going to armamentarium uses an esm and well you would have to rename the bsa to same has the whatever LL.esp you are using in order to get to launch without needing to register bsa in oblivon.ini or use another method. So this is downside to esm / bsa only. Making sure bsa get launched correctly after all.

Nice to know. Thank for the explanation. :)
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:52 am

Ok..here is where I am at. Need some help if possible.
First off... I have a full install of FCOM with all of it's add-ons.
I have also added a lot of the optional stuff...I really want to use the Armamentarium..a lot.
I need a little advice as to which ESP files to use from Armamentarium. I got the complete version linked on this thread so
I am pretty sure I didn't need any additional downloads. I got the resources and the other stuff as well.

ArmamentariumLLMagic.esp (I couldn't even find any info on what this does)
Artifcats - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp

Ok...which of these do I install and which of these do I leave out if I am using Fcom? I am using EVERYTHING
FCOM related..all of them..frans, Warcry, Martz Monsters, OOO. I have them all + Bob's stuff.
As well as a lot of optional stuff I downloaded (the living commerce, and many others for FCOM).
I want to use this..but not sure which one of these ESP files I should include. I already took out one that
I saw in the forums in this thread that said NOT to use with Fcom..I am not sure about the rest?

EDIT: I also saw a mention from CorePC that were were suppose to be 2 ESM files to add over 2000 new items..we'll out of the ones I downloaded and listed
there was only one ESM file...where do I get the other..

I am confused on that part as well.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:02 am



Artifcats - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp

EDIT: I also saw a mention from CorePC that were were suppose to be 2 ESM files to add over 2000 new items..we'll out of the ones I downloaded and listed
there was only one ESM file...where do I get the other..

I am confused on that part as well.

All the info has been posted many times in thread has you what you use in fcom. Has you can go back every few pages and read what has been asked and what has been answered. Not going to go over once again when posted a few pages back and on front page load order has well.

If you read the first page very closely you will find links to Artifacts Mod that is mod you are looking for the Aritfacts-ArmaCompleteAddon.esp require's..
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:13 pm

Missing stuff is bound to happen after 25 hours of trying to install mods. I have been downloading, preparing, omoding, and installing mods for 25 hours. This was the last one, I overlooked some stuff in the readme
sorry about that. I looked through this and found what I needed...Almost done. after 16 hours yesterday..and 10 so far today.I am almost done with FCOM and ready to play it finally...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:53 pm

Good News to Cheers everyone up. :hubbahubba:

I am finishing up the changes for the ArmamentariumLLMagicOOO.esp and will be releasing the BETA tonight before I go to bed. I got motivated and finally finished it.

I just have a few more things to check and do the readme.

So OOO/FCOM users you will finally have your Enchanted Arma weapons balanced to OOO leveledlist.

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