Artifacts.esmRemoving: AbandonedMine "Abandoned Mine" [CELL:00015C3D]Removing: GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 4Removing: GRUP Interior Cell Block 9[Removing "Identical to Master" records done] Processed Records: 1565 Removed Records: 3 Elapsed Time: 00:00[Undeleting and Disabling References done] Processed Records: 1562 Undeleted Records: 0 Elapsed Time: 00:00ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp[Filtering done] Processed Records: 1218187 Elapsed Time: 00:11Removing: [REFR:000A8868] (places CaveDustyAmb400 [LIGH:00047C20] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShadowsRestCavern02 "Shadow's Rest Rocky Run" [CELL:000A7949])Removing: [REFR:0018D63C] (places CaveDaylight500 [LIGH:000180B5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SmokeHoleCave02 "Smoke Hole Brass Tomb" [CELL:00083719])Removing: [REFR:000A79AF] (places RootHavok07 [STAT:00060359] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GreenmeadCave03 "Greenmead Inky Grottos" [CELL:000A7954])Removing: [REFR:000A79AD] (places RootHavok01 [STAT:0006035D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GreenmeadCave03 "Greenmead Inky Grottos" [CELL:000A7954])[Removing "Identical to Master" records done] Processed Records: 491 Removed Records: 4 Elapsed Time: 00:00Undeleting: [REFR:0010F91D] (places ARBench01 "Stone Bench" [FURN:0010F91B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Veyond04 "Veyond Gandrasel" [CELL:00015F85])Undeleting: [REFR:000A8864] (places CaveDustyBrightAmb700 [LIGH:000998F6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShadowsRestCavern02 "Shadow's Rest Rocky Run" [CELL:000A7949])Undeleting: [REFR:0007C319] (places CaveGrayishAmb400 [LIGH:0001BC1C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BorealStoneCave "Boreal Stone Cave" [CELL:00038577])Undeleting: [REFR:00091C1F] (places CaveGrayishAmb400 [LIGH:0001BC1C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BorealStoneCave "Boreal Stone Cave" [CELL:00038577])Undeleting: [REFR:00091BF9] (places CaveGrayish400 [LIGH:0001BBFF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BorealStoneCave "Boreal Stone Cave" [CELL:00038577])Undeleting: [REFR:00091BF8] (places CaveDaylightAmb200 [LIGH:00022864] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BorealStoneCave "Boreal Stone Cave" [CELL:00038577])Undeleting: [REFR:000A28B7] (places MiddleBowlTanCandles01 [STAT:00024D96] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictAFightingChance "A Fighting Chance" [CELL:0002C170])[Undeleting and Disabling References done] Processed Records: 487 Undeleted Records: 7 Elapsed Time: 00:00ArmamentariumLL4OOO.esp[Filtering done] Processed Records: 1276383 Elapsed Time: 01:04Removing: trfarAkaviriBlack2Short3 "Akaviri Black Daito" [WEAP:0200C85F]Removing: trfarAkaviriBlack2Short2 "Akaviri Black Daito" [WEAP:0200C85E]Removing: trfarAkaviriBlack2Short1 "Akaviri Black Daito" [WEAP:0200C85D]Removing: trfarIronBlack1Katana2 "Iron Black Ruined Katana" [WEAP:0200AFCA]Removing: trfarClutterStick02 "Wooden Stick (long)" [WEAP:02005BAC]Removing: trfarClutterLog01 "Log" [WEAP:02005BA8]Removing: trfarClutterLamppost01 "Lamppost" [WEAP:02005BA7]Removing: trfarClutterLadder01 "Ladder" [WEAP:02004CF1]Removing: trfarClutterRod01 "Metal Rod" [WEAP:02004322]Removing: trfarClutterShovel01Dirty "Shovel (dirty)" [WEAP:020020A0]Removing: trfarWood2Stick1 "Wooden Stick" [WEAP:02001793]Removing: trfarWood2Club1 "Wooden Club" [WEAP:02001792][Removing "Identical to Master" records done] Processed Records: 1625 Removed Records: 12 Elapsed Time: 00:00[Undeleting and Disabling References done] Processed Records: 1613 Undeleted Records: 0 Elapsed Time: 00:00Artifacts.espUndeleting: [REFR:00171DDA] (places RockGreatForest085 [STAT:000250AB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:00005FE6] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at 2,6))[Undeleting and Disabling References done] Processed Records: 84 Undeleted Records: 1 Elapsed Time: 00:00
Are these records safely removable?
Also WryeBash counts Artifacts - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp and ArmamentariumLLVendor.esp as being mergable, does this mean that I can safely deactivate the esps after I merge it to bashed patch?(and does any bash tags needed for these esps?).