This mod combines four parts of Armamentarium Series - Armamentarium, Armamentarium - Katanas, Armamentarium - Armor and Weapons, Armamentarium - Staffs, and tools from Farmers Strike Back mod as well. It distributes over 1000 of new items between NPCs through the leveled lists. This version of Armamentarium Complete was designed for vanilla Oblivion and Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul (+FCOM) and Francesco Version also. All weapons and armors in this mod were balanced for OMOBS (the system which OOO mod uses). Has Well has Artifacts II Weapons and Armor which add 50 new sets of Armor and over 300 More New Weapons has well.
Armor -
Weapons -
Defensive Weapons and Shields -
Staffs -
Artifacts II Weapons and Armor
Main downloads: -
ArmaCompleteResources - Contains all the Arma Mod, with PYFII optimization performed on them has well. Required -
Public Release 1.3 Armamentarium Update and Additions
Armamentarium Complete 1.3 Fixes and Additions
By Team Arma - Trollf, Corepc, Dev_Akm, Lilith, Vacuity, and TEAM Alpha Testers.
Armamentarium.esm Fixes 1.3
- Artifacts II Support Plugin
- Few Names have been corrected
- Few Weapons pointed to use correct nif
- ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp - updated script issue
- Many New Master Leveledlist where Added to provide Support for Artifacts Mod
New Plugin..
Artifacts for ArmaComplete.esp (0.20) - this requires
This Add Support for Trollf Wonderful New Addtion the Artifacts Mod itself. Which could only be bought at the Guild Store Itself.\
- You can now earn them by finding them via loot or on Npcs or Creatures. Which make gameplay even more fun now.
- Artifacts Add 50 New Sets of Armor from Iron up to Daedric, Fur to Glass,
- Over 300 New Weapons from Rusty and Copper Iron, Bronze, and even some new Deadly Halbred has well.
- All Added to Armamentarium master leveledlist so that they will show up on Npc and Creatures In Game.
- Using either ArmamentariumLL.esp or ArmamentariumLLOOO.esp the Artifacts Weapons and Armor will show up in game via these plugin. and these plugin will address Item Scaling has well.
- No enchanted types yet or armor. Or Clothing or Misc Items have been added. Or Rebalance for MOBS or OMOBS Stats either. This is first release and will be expanded to include thos items above that have not been added..
ArmamentariumLL.esp (1.3) - Rebuilt to use Master Leveledlist instead.
- rebalances how weapons and armor where being dealt out. Armor has been much more diverse thanks to Artifacts plugin has well.
- Weapons are much more balanced has to what types you will find.
- Clutter Weapons are less dominate
- Creatures Weapons leveledlist where redone. To provide Greater Diversity has well on what they used.
- High Level Dremora can now utilized more weapons types has well.
- Gobling carry less clutter weapons and more regular types,
- and various other leveledlist fixes.
- Loot List Updated has well.
ArmamentariumLLOOO.esp (Version 2.0) - Dev_Akm rebalance
- all Armamentarium weapon stats to be more OMOBS Like and Fixes Some Stats has well.
- Many of Arma Weapons will be more durable, or less durable, weigh more or less, or do more damage or less damage.
- Nothing Else has changed with this plugin at this time. Enchanted Items are scheduled for a Later Release.
- Supports Artifacts for ArmaCompleteAddon.esp has well.
ArmamentariumLLVendors (1.3) - Updated Vendor Ammo to Use Master Leveledlist Instead.
ArmamentariumLLArmaVendors (1.3) - Rebuilt to use Master Leveledlist Instead. Items to be bought are still the same. Read 1.2.2 Notes below.
ArmamentariumLLMagic - (1.3) - No Changes have been made to this version other than updating the version numbers. Changes are planned to happen like Armor Additions with future release..
ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp (1.3)
Trollf Updated Artifacts Script to resolves this issue. Where some artifact spells would be removed if you had nature staves unequppied/equipped at same time.
Install Notes 1.3
For Vanilla
Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.esm
Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.esp
ArmamentariumLLMagic.esp (Unbalanced Currently for OOO)
End of 1.3 Notes
Orig Download and 1.2 Version Listed Below / (download from first Texas server if possible, as it seems only this version has updated readme O_o) (~50MB) (~110MB) (~10MB) (~16MB)[/b]
Armamentarium Complete 1.2.2
Fixed and Details..
Armamentarium.Esm and all files have been updated if needed and bash tags and version numbers added has needed.
ArmamentariumLLArmaVendors.esp is a new plugin that is designed for those that want more item to be found in town merchant's..up to orcish armor and elven weapons can be bought..Versus LLVendors.esp in which only up to steel armor, and weapons can be bought. Do not use with LLVendors.esp..
New Armamentarium Enchanted Weapons by Corepc, Vacuity, Lilith - All Weapons now have enchanted version that can be found now. From Arrows to Daedric BattleStaves..more than 940+ in all. Wide variety of enchantments etc..Designed for Low to High Lvl Characters.
The Armamentarium Enchanted Beta was merged into main.esm. Read below for details about that..See Readme included..
Armamentarium Weapons and Armor stats adjusted from Armamentarium Fixes on official elder scrolls forum has been merged in 1.2.1 version.
Fixes 1.2.2 Xmas Edition
- Corrected weight of Normal Glass staves and enchanted glass staves to be 55..There where quite a few that weighed 75 instead of 55.
- Fixed Names on Many items Following Suggestion by Dev_Akm, thanks to Lilith for doing this. New Naming system for some of Arma Weapons are like so.
- Akaviri, AkaviriJade, Katanas Weapons
- Akaviri Shortswords now named Akaviri Kodachi
- Akaviri Longswords now named Akaviri Odachi
- Akaviri 2h Shortsword now Akaviri Daito
- Akaviri 2H Longsword now Akaviri Dai-Katanas
- AkaviriJade same has Akaviri above
- All 2handed Katanas (all varaition's) are now named correctly also to Dai-Katana
Fixes 1.2.1
Removed enchanted LL1Npc and Loot leveledlist from arma.esm
fixed name on armamentariumLLArmaVendor.esp (was armamantarium)
Fixed Misc issue with Enchanted Arrow leveledlist
Fixes 1.1.2b
Few more Fixes - Iron sword - speed adjusted , Iron Black sword, reach and health value adjusted.
Steel Claymore and Fine Steel Claymore and Brown Variants all weigh 30 now (slighty higher than vanilla, mobs, but less than omobs) good balance..
Name Fixes for Fine Brown Warhammer now Fine Steel Brown Warhammer
Fixes version 1.1.2a
Fixes everything that I missed that Vacuity pointed out.
Name Fixes for Daedric Gold Longsword and Daedric Silver Longsword - Now named Daedric Gold Sword & Daedric Silver Sword
Fixes 1.1.2
Reduced Price of Ranger Armor, and Camaflouge armor
Adjusted All Fine Weapons (Warhammer, Sword, BattleStaff, Axes, Both Steel and Brown Variants, - value, health, price by 20, damage by 1)
Fixes version 1.1.1
adjusted all the durablity, damage, weight, price, speed, reach, for all Iron and Black Iron weapons
Durablity Tweaks on Akaviri Black Weapons & Jade Shortswords has needed
By Corepc, Vacuity, Lilith,
This adds 943+ New Armamentarium Weapons and Arrows with enchantments added to them. You will find them both on Npcs and in dungeon chest's etc..
Details All different types of weapon are covered in these this list below from
AkaviriJadeLong, AkaviriJadeShort, AkaviriLong, AkaviriShort, BattleAxe, BattleStaves, Claymore, Dagger, Katana1h, Katana2h, Longsword, Mace, MolagBal1h, MolagBal2h, MolagStaff, Shortsword, Spears, VolenDrung, Wakizashi, WarAxe, Warhammer
Counts for New Armamentarium Variants that will be found54 Magic Arrow 58 Akaviri22 Claw 28 Cutlass 57 Daedric 28 Dwarven60 Ebony96 Elven127 Glass52 Iron127 Katana28 MolagBal13 Silver131 Steel8 VolenDrung62 Wakizashi
Enchanted Version History
1.05 fixes -
Added a few missing weapon to leveledlist, (Cutlass Dagger's, Few Iron Maces, some glass longswords, and few more)
removed some that where in wrong leveledlist (which would have caused them to show up too soon)
removed Unique ones intended for usage elsewhere
1.04 - Rebuild All enchanted weapon leveledlist and merged into enchanted.esm itself. Added Arma Enchanted Weapons to loot leveledlist also
1.02 - Removed 5 unique version that where meant for usage elsewhere
1.01 - Fixed issue in enchanted where worldspace record was left in esm (cause npc falling through world)
1.0 - first release
Compatiblity Notes: if Using mods Like TIE, OblivionWarCry, then you need to use Wrye bash to resolve leveledlist issue, depending on how you want items to show up in game. Either load warcry before/after armamantariumLL.esp or LLOOO.esp , select both in wrye bash, right click select mark levelers (just in case they needed) , and then select bashed patched, right click and select rebuild bashed patched, go to leveledlist section, then select okay, then tell it yes to activate bashed patched in load order, load save, wait x amount of days for changes to take effect.