Therefore it will be possible to have armor so indestructible it could give the man of steel a run for his money.
Is this the right move by Bethesda or should they work on adding this before release if not in a future patch?
To me this is just dumbing down the game and even though it was not fun for all fans it was always immersive for most and made the game all the more interesting to play. Removing repair hammers and making it so that all weapons and armor take a reasonably long time to fully degrade would have been the best way to fix the "no fun" issue since blacksmithing now plays a vital role in Skyrim with all weapons and armor (upgrading). Bethesda have made many changes and even though I felt some were reasonable losses (cuirass and greaves combined, no attributes etc) by removing something as realistic as armor/weapon degradation this is just pushing their luck because it will mean I can just find the best armor and weapons in the game, improve them a little then never have to go near the forge again (all that work on the blacksmithing skill down the drain nice one Bethesda).
It has been confirmed that armor has no health degradation but that does not mean that armor or weapons dont degrade at all over time. With the blacksmithing skill its possible to upgrade armor and weapons so maybe this same system can be used to add this degradation system. For example:
Worn Leather Boots > Leather Boots > Studded Leather Boots > Metal Leather Boots > Plate-mail Leather Boots
Whenever the PC takes damage it could be more than possible for a piece of armor or a weapon to break down and have to be upgraded again. For example Studded Leather Boots after taking a beating would fall apart and then become Leather Boots (the Studded Leather Boots would be gone) therefore you would have a degradation sytem. Should Leather Boots fall apart after a time then all you would have is for example "Worn Leather Boots" that would offer VERY little armor. This same system could work for weapons as well, for example:
Broken Iron Sword > Short Iron Sword > Long Iron Sword > Enchanted Iron Sword
The weapon degradation method would be different to how armor degrades in the same fashion even after armor has been worn it will still be usable unless it is cloth which would just be ripped apart and you would be left with torn rags. However should weapons fully degrade they would end up broken and completely unusable until upgraded again (fixed).
This system would be far superier to the usual "health" status bars for armor and weapons which was present in Fallout 3 and Oblivion and would work very well for Skyrim with its new blacksmithing skill. Even if this system is not present in the game it could be done easily enough with a mod.
:fallout: OR :tes: