Gas masks (military style not miner style)
More types of combat armour
A big tank like power armour that needs an internal support system to help you move it (unique item definitely)
All the previous power aromur types
More military looking clothes
maybe some raider armour that covers you up (youre in the wasteland with mutated animals and slavers, a shoulder pad isnt gonna do much for you)
A trench coat or long coat so you can look like some kind of drifter or badass ranger
Maybe some desert clothes like shrouds and stuff to make you look like an arab ninja (makes sense as its sandy in NV)
Some clothes to chill in
Some vintage armour (Fallout 3 had samurai armour, im sure theres a museum or something you can steal knight or roman legionnaire armour from)
Some badass shades cuz tinted reading glasses just dont cut it anymore
Some face masks that cover the bottom half of your face, maybe with some cool designs like a skull jaw or the sewn in mouth like in Brink
Less jumpsuits
Some forms of home made cutsom armour that use local things like dangerous animal bones and steel plates
Some cool looking hoods and not just a treeminder hood
Maybe some gloves.............
Obviously the stuff from previous games
and i think thats about it :clap: