Armor Crafting in Skyrim

Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:46 am

Well, from the few screenshots of similar amor with variations I would assume that you will have some control over the look of say, leather armor. You might be able to make the pauldrons different or not existent, etc.... I would like to have dye options, but only so far with some armor types (mainly leather/fur) because I don't know if it would make sense to be running around in red and yellow ebony armor. But as it is a single player game I guess it wouldn't really hurt. I could see leather or fur being able to dye it darker or a few colors. Clothing on the other hand I could see having endless possiblities.

I would like more customization of the looks of steel as well as others have mentioned like steel imperial or maybe even something like glass elven armor (elven isn't really a material but a style I would assume or do they make it out of the skin and bones of Altmer :whistling: )
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:09 am

i want a native american aproach to killing/skinning, use all the parts, teeth, bone, sinew, scale, hide, claw. everything has a purpose.
morrowind had bonemould in many variants...theres an interesting story about how bonemould came to be..but ill let you find out where to get that information XD

but seriously. smithing, skinning, wood cutting, all these little skills are perfect for my type of characters, and i hope there is the option of owning and supplying your own involved in the local economy etc.
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:19 pm

i want a native american aproach to killing/skinning, use all the parts, teeth, bone, sinew, scale, hide, claw. everything has a purpose.
morrowind had bonemould in many variants...theres an interesting story about how bonemould came to be..but ill let you find out where to get that information XD

but seriously. smithing, skinning, wood cutting, all these little skills are perfect for my type of characters, and i hope there is the option of owning and supplying your own involved in the local economy etc.

Since I role play as a non-combat oriented Imperial, I'd very much like to own a store and supply it... :drool:

I hope what you propose is similar to what we'll get in Skyrim, I'm hoping for a really complex smithing system, just making ordinary armor and choosing it's color isn't enough.
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