i guess we are just different. none of those colors bother me at all. in fact i much prefer that people have the option to be unique. i find it far more boring to see everyone in blacks, browns, and silvers
i guess we are just different. none of those colors bother me at all. in fact i much prefer that people have the option to be unique. i find it far more boring to see everyone in blacks, browns, and silvers
In Diablo 3 Cardinal and Infernal(blood red and coal black) were "unlocked" on a vendor after you got to the highest difficulty, and it was done specifically because they knew everyone and their Mom would be using them.
They're the two primary colors anyone seems to use. It gets old seeing them. :/
As long as the dye colors are subtle and you can't turn yourself into a pinata then yeah sounds good to me.
You can be "unique" without using neon bold flashy "oh Gods, my eyes" colors, too.
I don't understand your argument. You complain about color variety, and then complain because everyone is using the same color. There is a saying that you can't make everyone happy, but I submit that none can make you happy.
The point is to craft for a specific customer where you get the request 1st and then you craft. So no need for an open-world AH.
Of course, there would probably have to be a dedicated crafting channel for chat for all this or world chat would become unbearable (adjust settings I suppose).
But its a good way to enchance crafters roleplaying within the community, providing them more things to occupy them with & a good way for the community to interact.
Lets face it..many people will use their spec points for battle & fore-going secondary skills like crafting. So crafting can become a very valuable commodity within the game. Its just a matter of how these interactions take place, I think.
As for colours, I agree....anything that ruins the aesthetics of the world should be trashed without second thought. But I think that is what most agree with at any rate.
It would be cool if they did implemented that into the armor while crafting like said before, not a post color change unless it became some kind of alchemy skill maybe for later expansion, but limit the colors say for metal armor to things like chrome, copper, "slag metal texture", white, black, gold, maybe even dull red or blue but no super glowing colors - but for cloth and leather armors you could have more variety
Yes. Customizing the look of gear is always popular.
The armors already change color/and features with each upgrade and each level has their own color as well.
I think it's pretty customized as it is now. No need for more color, adding emblems like we have in character creation or additional features would be awesome, but that would mean every single character having that, then we go back to pvp... 200 people on screen, the pc has to load a character as a whole, thats why we see "painted on body" armor problem, since its just a shell, it's not a body with armor.
The more mini features added, the more to load and more punishable on a machine it can be. I find the current variety far more than sufficient.
I don't use crafting professions for my money directly.
I make my money by gathering items for the lazy sods that don't want to do it themselves and sell in bulk on brokers so they can give me their money for things they don't want to farm for.
I use my crafting professions for my own personal gain. That's it.
That's why I'm against sitting in a town hawking my wares. The more time I'm sitting in town trying to offload this stack of wood, the more time I'm NOT out gathering more wood to sell to lazy people.
Don't get me started on "armor upgrade".
NDA and all, but *shakefist* and *inappropriate hand gestures at the monitor while trying to do them*.
Then this is good news for you. If there is another craft requiring materials & another source of materials for you to gather, the more things you can do & the more profit you will make. ^ ^
Absolutely! Though I would prefer to avoid the neon colors.
Profit = coin in my pocket.
If I'm using the materials for my own crafting(which I have very little desire to do for the most part), then I'm not gaining money unless I sell them to a vendor.
I'd rather sell them for 4x that price to a lazy player.
I can't do that unless I want to sit in town screaming about things I have to sell.
Understand the problem here?
Btw now that I think about it.
This is cosmetic....guess what else rhymes with cosmetic.... cash shop... oh sorry sensitive guys here, "optional payment for virtual goods that have no influence on the game".
Wanna bet it's gonna be in this....erhm... "marketplace"? I can see the suits at zenimax drooling all over this already.
We'll see. If it is, I will pay for it....because the way my character looks is only second to how well I play him (or her in rare cases).
It would be good as long as it was restricted to only be done at the point of crafting, and was simply another aspect in the crafting process.
It would work well if it just added to the existing 4
I think as long as it was in tune with the racial styling it would add something to the game. As an example I think as long as the dunmer armor stuck to earthen colours it would work quite well and I'm sure each race has an overall theme colour scheme that could be stuck to.
for anyone wanting a look at the existing crafting model
I would not mind if earth tones were added, and tied to crafting somehow. I would absolutely despise the game if excessively bright or neon colors were added.
So I voted, "no".
I wish I could discourage you then, I wouldn't support the suits decision since the more they are supported the more they will press in until people just get too fed up and quit and put the game f2p.
And I really don't want this game to go f2p any time in the next 5 years :s .
You don't have to shout. the people looking for the items will be the ones requesting them......so you just arrange what is needed & sell.
Anything that lets me deck my character out in a flamboyant uncoordinated motley outfit with all the colours of the rainbow is something I would definitely consider a win. I'm all for drab and realistic but there's something that's always appealed to me about lots over over exaggerated and striking colours.
So yeah I would be that guy
Good for you! I mean, why do people allow other people's choices bother them so much, haha.
I hope there's a dye system.
I'd love to see many varied colours, Blue, Red, Gold, Black, Greens, etc with some varied shades but no "neon" or super-overly bright stuff.
Keep it within reason and things.
This applies to both armor and clothing.
Speaking of armour a lot of people don't know that plate armour actually could be decorated and coloured in many different ways.
You had the base colour which could be different depending on how it came from the armor smith, depending on how he heated it, etc the armour could come straight fromt he forge in a blue'ish colour, black'ish, etc.
Then on top of this you also could paint over armour, which many people did but sadly only a few examples of this exist, but you can google "black sallets" and see examples of historical sallet helmets that had paintings on them. A lot of armour could be painted but most of them have been lost over the years or had the paint cleaned off by people that didn't know what they were doing and trie dto polish the armour, etc.
Then you also had the ability to put cloth coverings over your armour (there are many examples of armours found, helmets for example, that have little "hitches" in them to place a cloth cover. This was one of the cheaper ways to decorate your armour at the time.
Putting paint, cloth, etc over armour also served another purpose besides just looking good, it also protected the armour fromt he elements. Rain, etc.
A lot of people think, just like they do with castles(many castles were whiteashed, which gave them a white colour, not the "bare stone" look like you see in every movie), that all plate armour was this super-polished silver, when in truth many were painted/covered, it's just that over time that paint has worn away/been washed away and people have seem too many movies/read bad books othat perpuate the stereotypical "look."