Alright, I have a problem with Armor Enhance - it is simply not upgrading correctly.
I am stuck at around 230/350 for ages. I've literally tried playing maps with only Armor enhance active, not even touching anything else. 10 kills, if I'm lucky one is registred.
Bug or I am doing something wrong? Any workaround?
Don't forget that armor itself must be activated while killing.
As I wrote in opening post, I played with only it active.
@JasonDarkX2 - I only play at Ranked servers, not interested in anything else. Even if 1 out of those 3 games was (by mistake, human error is possible) on unranked one, I would have more than 1 kill.
@M4dn3ss - 8 sec delay for kill to register? Can anyone confirm this?
@M4dn3ss - 8 sec delay for kill to register? Can anyone confirm this?I believe they're confusing the requirements of Stealth Enhance with Armo(u)r enhance. Stealth enhance is the module which you have to cloak then make a kill in 8 seconds before the kill-credit window is closed.
I don't know if there is a kill credit delay, but Armour enhance is simply 'Kill enemies with armour mode on and with armour enhance active'. Since it has to be on, it's entirely possible kill credits may be lost because your opponent shot you enough to drain your suit energy, thereby turning OFF your armour mode and disallowing you advancement of the module if you killed them afterwards.
I don't know how often that happens to you, but it might shed some light on the situation.
Since it has to be on, it's entirely possible kill credits may be lost because your opponent shot you enough to drain your suit energy, thereby turning OFF your armour mode and disallowing you advancement of the module if you killed them afterwards.
I thought of this myself so I tried to test it by simply shooting a lot of people from behind with Cloak to Armor enhance transition. Still, all kills don't reigster properly but I will give this situation a bit more testing.
The issue that makes me believe that this isn't the case was the simple fact I got to Level 2, 210/350 way before I was level 50 and I'm over 10k kills for quite a while.
I have the very same problem as the OP, Armor Enhance just won't level up... or so it seems... I would have Armor Enhance Level 1 while I have Stealth Enhance level 3 and Retriever level 3... it's so annoying... so what I did was I ditched it, swapped it for Energy Transfer, got that up to level 3 in no time ;P