Armor improvement glitch?

Post » Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:55 pm

I've got level 100 smithing but for some reason I can't improve Ahzidal's Boots of Waterwalking above the Epic level. I read on a wiki that the boots benefit from the Steel Smithing perk, but if that's true then why can't I improve it to Legendary?

Is this a glitch or am I missing some information here?

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Post » Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:34 pm

You can only get something to legendary with the "improve twice as much" skill perks without the armor/weapon/jewelry enchantments.

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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:44 am

Wow, that really svcks. So if I'm making regular weapons and armor I would have to make it legendary before I started enchanting it, or else I wouldn't be able to get it to legendary? That seems ridiculously arbitrary.

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Post » Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:14 pm

seems that way, they going until Epic, but you can make enchanted set(s) and poison(s) for that.

Get some fortify smithing potions and neclace/bracers/rings whatever you can find it still seems to improve your skill even if you're at 100.

If you want to get hardcoe...

> Make a couple Fortify Enchanting potions.

> Drink potions, enchant five pieces of gear with Fortify Alchemy.

> Make a couple new Fortify Enchanting potions, and enchant four pieces of gear with Fortify Smithing and five more pieces with a stronger Fortify Alchemy


> Make a Fortify Smithing potion with your new Smithing/Alchemy gear.

> Drink potion, wear the second set of Smithing gear, make ridiculously powerful weapons

(sorry but i had a Network breakdown for a couple of minutes, so i am fine now.)

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