seems that way, they going until Epic, but you can make enchanted set(s) and poison(s) for that.
Get some fortify smithing potions and neclace/bracers/rings whatever you can find it still seems to improve your skill even if you're at 100.
If you want to get hardcoe...
> Make a couple Fortify Enchanting potions.
> Drink potions, enchant five pieces of gear with Fortify Alchemy.
> Make a couple new Fortify Enchanting potions, and enchant four pieces of gear with Fortify Smithing and five more pieces with a stronger Fortify Alchemy
> Make a Fortify Smithing potion with your new Smithing/Alchemy gear.
> Drink potion, wear the second set of Smithing gear, make ridiculously powerful weapons
(sorry but i had a Network breakdown for a couple of minutes, so i am fine now.)