As this is an armour thread,i'd thought i'd add something,rather than start a new topic.
Here is a link to a pic,from the OXM UK cover.
While i know it's only cover art,everything he's wearing as been seen in a screenshot of some form,apart from whats on his gauntlets.¤t=SkyrimArmour.jpg
Click the image again to enlarge.
Even the swords have been seen in the screens.
Now in a post ,a while back,i put heavy Armour as a skill under combat as one of the 18.
I also put light Armour as a stealth skill too,in the 18.
But now,i'm not 100% sure thats the case. We may just have Armour...but like i said...i'm not sure.
Now if you look at the picture,you'll see a mix of materials on his Armour.
Thats what made me think it might not be just heavy and light separate.
It also begs the question: "what can we do with armour crafting/smithing wise" ?.
His armour could just be a complete set,but it could also have been basic then added to.
To me the metal pouldron could of been added,but most of all the metal on the gauntlets looks added for sure,as it's tied on.
Anyway,i just thought i'd throw this out there,as this is an armour thread.
It also has relevance to protection too.
@ OP: Great post

I just thought i'd add this in too,hope you don't mind

Didn't think it was worth a separate topic.