Armor rating in this game makes non power armor useless

Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 6:38 pm

This is actually disappointing, looks like what happened to Mass Effect 2 and 3 when they decided to go full shooter and all the armors and stuff became pointless and only for the looks....

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Silvia Gil
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:56 am

found out pretty quickly that the key to surviving in FO4 was modding the armor your wearing using stealth and terrain to their full advantage along w a good sniper type weapon. gone are the days of running into a pack of super mutants wielding the shiskabob in Tesla armor and expecting to live through it lol

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Lalla Vu
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:51 pm

Whats the point of your post? no one here is complaining about difficulty of the game because everybody knows even on survival the game is easy enough, re read the post before saying anything, you dont look cool trying to tell us "how to survive" and then trying to point out how easy were the games before, no one except people without reading comprehension is talking about that.

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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:06 am

Keep in mind that to make power armor equivalent to a modern tank, the armor would have to be a foot or more thick. The frontal armor on something like an M-1A or an M-60 is seriously thick.

Unless it's made of unobtanium, the power armor doesn't appear "heavy" enough to stop anything bigger than small arms fire.

If the rocket launcher in the game is roughly equivalent to an RPG, I can could easily imagine it taking out a set of power armor with one hit.

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Nikki Morse
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:56 am

DR works in this game by halving the damage you take if the damage is equal to your armor rating, and protects even more if the damage per shot that hits you is less than your armor rating (and so on).

Armor is very effective at stopping low-damage, high-rate-of-fire weapons. It's less effective against high-damage, low-rate-of-fire weapons.

In PA, everything is effectively low damage, so it protects against more things - but normal armor doesn't protect all that well against attacks with a base damage over 100.

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Judy Lynch
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:10 am

I never use Power Armor and I play Survival difficulty just fine. Hate PA... actually, hate Bethesda's fashion sense or lack of it, anyway, for any outfit. Waiting for modders, of course.

However, OP, keep in mind that your point is invalid because the two different categories (PA and non-PA) are supposed to be used differently. PA gives certain advantages, yes, but it is very bulky, you are not going to sneak well in it, nor are you going to sprint anywhere near as well as if you wear non-PA. Your test used the two types the same way and that is not how they are intended to be used in "reality" (i.e., the game world). It's like using a screwdriver to hammer in a nail. The two tools are meant for different uses even if you can technically do the single task with either of them.

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:47 pm

^good points.

also you don't start the game with a big bad ass suit of PA and endless FCs making everythiung else pointless. it's called progression.

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P PoLlo
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:38 pm


Do people even read or you are just trying to twitst the topic to your convenience?

TC is saying that the armor (not PA) is useless compared to being naked thats the point.

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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 7:16 pm

Actually uh this is really easy to explain.

See Survival Mode...Should actually be 3 or 4 X damage received but oh well I will use 2X.

Ok so your Power Armor Soaks 80%

Combat Armor soaks 15%

Not really sure why people cant understand how the Power Armor becomes more effective at the higher difficulty level but it seems obvious to me.

So you get shot with say a 10mm pistol on normal difficulty, which is 10 points of damage.

Naked 10 damage

Combat Armor 8.5 damage

Power Armor 2 damage

Now ramp that up to Survival Difficulty (which should be 4X damage)

Naked 40

Combat Armor 34

Power Armor 8 damage taken

So basically raising the difficulty in a Bethsada game just means that better armor is way more effective at keeping you alive.

Cant understand why this is hard to understand.

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 8:53 pm

Except it isn't. Even in his comparison he says with armor on whatever weapon he was testing did 85% of it's damage. Not as useful as he wants it to be, but not useless either. He's also the one who brought comparisons with power armor up in the first place, so the points about PA being a completely different thing from regular armor are perfectly valid in this discussion. You're the one ignoring things that are convenient to ignore for your argument and putting people down instead of actually adding to or dissenting from other peoples opinions.

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Curveballs On Phoenix
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:51 am

I understand the OP's point about the armor rating.

While you鈥檙e inside a suit of Power Armor, you lose any benefits granted by other apparel items so non PA isn't useless. I like a sneaky, sniper play so the PA is useless for me and I enjoy the perks of legendary and specialty apparel.

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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:03 am

In other BGS they made you go out of your way to obtain such things by power gaming (enchant/smithing/alch cycle exploit in Skyrim), in FO4 you just do a handful of quests and get T60B for free and boom you've broken the game

The legendary affixes on regular armor don't make up for PA on Survival, especially since PA has its very own awesome mods. The armor is insane, like well over 1,200 for upgraded top end PA. I think the best normal armor goes is around 200. The difference is night and day in gameplay too.

Also PA = instant stimpak (No animation), 11STR, no fall damage, insane radiation protection, amazing mods like jetpack/pboae/etc., knockdown perk, grenade perk.

PA should have been 300->400->500 defenses at best. And even then it would probably be too much.

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Heather Kush
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 8:58 pm

I don't even wear normal armour, just some clothes. better for sneaking and sniping. Can't sneak in a tank-suit
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IsAiah AkA figgy
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:30 am

Isn't there more buffs when your wearing non power armor? Granted i don't have science! and i've only used the power armor twice, but i don't think you can get legendary power armor drops.

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Robert Jackson
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:36 am

Maybe if the Fallout 4 DR system worked like earlier ones, but it doesn't. 300 DR only provides a 66% damage reduction against a 100 damage attack (and only 85% damage reduction against the more-common 10 damage attack). In comparison, 1000 DR provides 80% damage reduction against a 100 damage attack, and 90% damage reduction against a 10 damage attack.

Because of the way the DR system works, you need exponential gains in DR in order to get significant reductions in damage - +10 DR when you have 0 to start with is much more impressive than +10 DR when you start with 100.

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:15 pm

...armor increases survivability exponentially. You're not suppose to just stand there and go toe to toe with a Super Mutant. You're not a superhero. As for only giving you an extra 1.8 seconds of survivability? Hit it back. I beat super mutants to death with my bare hands in T-51 power armor regularly.

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 7:27 pm

People complaining about explosion damage simply need to mod their chest with explosive defense, it's meant for something and makes a big difference.

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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 3:08 am

I'm playing survivor and am noticing a big difference between the Vault suit I started with and now having my Vault suit with full studded armour set over the top. It's the difference between life and death and I'm able to take on a group of enemies now withva reasonable chance of taking them out.

If you only want to run n gun I suppose your points are valid.
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:30 pm

Hm could you explain these numbers more? Say you have full combat armor that gives you an armor rating of 100 (not sure what the real number would be) and someone shoots you with a gun that does 10 points of damage. How much damage would you take? First I thought you would absorb 100 points of damage since that is your armor rating resulting in 0 damage, but that can't be right?

Also do anyone know the exact multipliers yet on different diffs? I play on survival right now but I have no idea how much more damage I recieve or give compared to normal.

As for my own experience on survival I find the experiment in the OP to be strange. Enemies in the beginning area would kill me with a few hits early in the game, but now when I go back with much better armor they are only taking a few hit points of me. I can't imagine it could be that little difference between being naked and having a fully upgraded combat armor as is claimed in OP. Have anyone else experimented with this?

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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:27 am

OP, read Explains why your testing in survival mode is skewed and holds no meaning.

Also, armor is locational so it's not 100 vs 1000. It's like 20 vs 200.

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Katie Samuel
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:46 pm

There are no such encounters.

I beat

Mirelurk Queen lvl 61 when i was 21 without power armor, actually without almost any armor. On hard or very hard. Started the game @Survival but I disliked DMG Sponges diff a lot so lowered it. 50 shots for bandit is silly

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:42 pm

Guess it's realistic and also makes a point to wearing outfits and other clothes

Don't really need to spec for power armor btw. I have Int 6, don't have the economic Charisma perk, only have supply routes and no merchants, and for a long time my Luck was 1 and Strength was 5. I must just pick up too much [censored]. Maybe if you want to wear it nonstop from the start

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 7:28 pm

Different enemies probably have different AI. And a super mutant is probably clever enough to attack your weakest spots. Mind there is a perk that allows you to see your enemies weakest armor in vats. So try some different enemies like animals.

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Andrea P
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 6:06 pm

With STR 3 and PA I can carry 410 weight worth of items ;p So these perks for carrying aren't all that much needed. I can further enhance it with some alcohol (never get addicted) or drugs (i don't get addicted really, blood filter in PA takes care of that). it can go to near 500. And there's also companion ^^

Also for all (already linked, but again) http://fallout.wikia...age_Resistance?/a>

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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 3:40 am

Fashion sense is just preference and opinions. I like how Power Armor looks. Especially after you paint it with Flames or other pretty cool paint jobs. I also enjoy quite a lot of other outfits in-game.

So, there's no lack of fashion sense... It's just your preference is against it.

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Gemma Flanagan
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