The problem I have had with armor upgrade was that at first I was under the assumption that it would do as the term implied at some point (Kept hope till level 3.) Instead of being an armor upgrade it was instead made more armor effectiveness boost. The increased speed is nice so is the first perk of reduced drain, but with those two things
it really isn't upgrading armor in my sense just making it more effective. Armor is for defense and upgrade means to buff so at level three I finally expected something to improve the armor defense but was let down :<
You know the term 'upgrade' just means an improvement right? Increasing mobility, slowing suit drain and giving resistance to jammers all count as improvements over the basic armour mode.
Upgrade path:
Tier 1: Armor performance boosted 5-15% (Whatever works

Tier 2: Speed reduction lowered
Tier 3: Armor drain lowered
Do you not see how this would be completely imbalanced in relation to other suit modules? Boosting the effectiveness of armour mode is just ridiculous, considering it is already a VERY effective tool when used in conjunction with stealth mode. Coming out of stealth and being able to fight with armour which is 115% effective would be ludicrous.
This is why I suggested lowering the visbility of armour mode. This doesn't overpower the armour, while giving an incentive to use the mode for prolonged periods of time (which is the whole point of armour enhance).
While tier 2 and 3 could be swapped in whatever order I still find that being immune to nano disruptor is useless and logically shouldn't happen anyway. A device that disrupts nanosuits being stopped by the suit is alittle bit goofy.
Don't do that. It is completely plausible for a fictional defence to be created against a fictional pulse/signal disruptor weapon. In the book the N2 has EMP protection. Your 'logic' will get you nowhere in fiction.