A little bit of improvements that Bethesda Game Studios could of done to the armor and weapons degradation system wouldn't of hurt, but no they had to remove it entirely.
It's not even like they removed it without seemingly replacing it with a somewhat similar system of weapon upkeep, modification etc. This being, of course, their apparent in-depth weapon and armor customization system; involving gathering, perks and the like.
Because I like it and it gives a bit of realism.
Best thing they did to the Fallout series. Condition wear was annoyingly dumb.
-Years of posting on [censored] has led me to treating everything that seems like sarcasm as just people being dikes. It's easier in the long run, as it normally turns out to be that in the end anyways.
-A precedent of over a decade of game development and modding, all showing that something simply doesn't work, is a pretty good reason to not try. You can try to grow wings as long as you want, it wont happen.
-No Man's Sky uses procedural generation software that has largely been in existence since before TES: Daggerfall. Its beyond easy to give a computer a bunch of world pieces, and then tell it to "make landscape forever". Minecraft uses the same system. Landscape generation is nothing compared to weapon balancing.
-Occam's Razor would suggest that after constant years of both professional developers, and amateur modders, all trying to make something work, and it never working, that said thing simply doesn't work.
Because the scope gives the gun an improvement, and said improvement needs to be taken into account with the items decay rate or else you risk the weapon becoming to powerful.
For example: A gun with a huge spread is given an X decay rate because of how the spread effects how the weapon works, and how much damage it does on average. If you were to put on some mod that reduces the spread, but fail to change the decay rate for that, you would now have a far more powerful weapon, with the same decay rate as the weapon without the mod, without any sort of equal negative to balance it out, thus making it imbalanced.
So removing CND entirely instead of trying to improve it is the best thing they did?
Realism on a game where i shoot giant roach and ghouls. RIGHT -.-
What I would like to see is a way to use the materials you would use to craft to repair your stuff. Why would that have been so hard? Either way.
That's not the point I'm trying to make.
Yeah the new weapon mod thing seems to be really cool and linking on to a lot of the stuff the repair skill did in the previous games, especially New Vegas. Your character improving his items through use of his stats.
For me though the main draw of the repair system was having the realism in mind of having to keep my equipment in working order while I walk around the scavenger world of The Wastes. Ill miss that roleplaying aspect, but then I am well aware that the whole heavy roleplaying crowd is a very small one compared to what other kinds of players Bethesda wants to make this game enjoyable for.
I think you're assuming that they didn't consider those slight improvements or major improvements or any complete overhauls of how the system would work and just made a decision at the start of development to remove it to spite people. Especially for a game in development for this long, that is absolutely not how things go down. I have talked before about how I liked the old system, but how I can absolutely see why people in greater number than me might not enjoy it. In the end, Bethesda sells 20 million copies by making a game that nearly everyone can enjoy, and sometimes minor elements like this need to be changed for the many over the few.
Good riddance, Repair System. You will not be missed (by me).
Now, Crafting System, give me a hug!
No it doesnt incase you didnt know guns dont magicly lose dmg after you fire a few shots, nor do they require full restorations every 50 shots fired/. The way the sytem used to work was far from realistical. Now if they wud inpliment some sort of wepon maintiance sytem(perhaps something like this-clean, disasemble and take care of it every few 100s rounds fired, and if you wudnt maintain it it wud start jaming more and more often untill it wud eventualy in extreme cases of neglect even blow up in your hands than i guess that wud be immersive and even semi realistical way of handing mainitaning guns) than i wud be all up for it but def not the way it used to be
Exactly if you are not having a proper weapons mantiance sytem in place than we are far better off without it at all
Im going to ask this question again: Has anyone ever had one of their primary weapons break on them? Not the ones you pick up as vendor trash, but the primary ones you take good care of?
In all these years its never happened to me. My experience with the repair system was that it was very easy.
Of course guns don't "magically" lose damage.
Of course guns don't need a full restoration after every 50 rounds that they shoot.
As I keep saying the guns should break slower.
Guns do jam after having lots of rounds shot though.
Sometimes the feed can mess up.
Rainy environment and snowy environments do corrode and rust guns.
Wood does decay.
Etc, and so on and so on.
Exactly. This never happened to me either. IMO, the system was never challenging, only annoying.
yeah never happen, that why i keep saying never add a challenge to me it was more on a annoying think to carries 10 of the same weapons. to keep repairing.
This is what I am talking about. In its previous form it only really appealed to hardcoe roleplayers who seriously consider installing bathing mods, like myself. Most others considered it a chore because it was too easy. And if we made it harder, it would change the entire gameplay dramatically. So dramatically that it would be turning it into a different type of game for a different type of audience, depending on how far it goes. And as I said earlier, a game like Misery for Stalker is a very acquired taste, generally one that much of Bethesda's current audience would most likely not enjoy.
Well as said i wud be up for a proper maintinance sytem in a heartbeat, but do realise that if gun is cleaned regualry and properly maintained it can fire more rounds than you wud normaly fire trough the entire game before it will actualy require part replacments.
Good, the old Repair system was bad anyway. Arguably Beth could have improved it rather than removed, but that would mean not adding/improving some other feature because your budget and time are limited. Quite frankly, most other features would be more interesting than a repair system so I'd rather if their resources went there.
And I would like to join the Enclave, reform them into proper fellows and conquer the entirety of East Coast with them. It is fascinating how people want different things!
If we had an actual realistic weapon decay system, so long as you did the bare bones maintenance on the weapon, which is stupidly easy to do, your gun would never break before the beat the game, thus making the entire process of having weapons break pointless.