Armor & Weapon Health [merged topics]

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:54 am

I think u just miss the point, where if u only allow to repair in 1 place then if u go to a "dungeon" ur weapons broke u end w/o a way to repair it.

U just want a system that dont work really, that why most game dont use it or make u craft items u need to carry with u. example Witcher 3 where i end with stacks on the repair kit for weapons and armor stupid way to use my space on my bags.

I address on my post about the companions isnt a simplification is a improvement over the reason ppl will just keep reloading to dont lose a companion.

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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:46 am

How great would an immersive repair system be? Nothing too advanced but maybe have to make a few keystrokes at the proper time to clean your weapons, knit light armor back together, etc, etc. Prevents "Pipboy Time Stop Repair."

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:21 pm

I'm fine with it, I also said weapons should break much slower.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:51 am

Meh,it was just an unnecessary money sink anyhow, more of a mild nuisance then anything else.

Besides once you realize that you just got excited a convict dropped a Varmint Rifle so you can repair your Ratslayer even though you're level 30+ is yeah....

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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:34 pm

I wouldn't mind say a 10 hour real time timer on weapons that could be reset by cleaning your weapons at a workbench and after the 10 hours without cleaning / maintenance it would start to jam / overheat irregularly.

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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:33 am

Terribly aggravating when they get something that adds a little challenge to the campaign like keeping your weapons and armor repaired and maintained then turn around and instead of tweaking it for better play, they just remove it because of the bawling by people that didn't like carrying spare parts and weapon repair kits.

Where I was looking forward to the game with great anticipation as a continuation of FO3 and FONV with this one revelation my interest just dropped to about half, and I discover actually pisses me off at discovering here's another good title that going to get ruined because the whiners that want the vanilla fast playthrough won out over the people that saw it was fine the way it was.

I think I'll just cancel the pre-order and wait for it to hit the second hand bin to pick it up, no challenge worth waiting for now.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:34 pm

That's because it wasn't fixed.

As has been stated before, by many people, the problem with item condition systems is that it is impossible to go through every possible scenario the game might throw at you, with every possible weapon/armor, in order to get enough data in order to set each items condition decay rate at a level that's neither so fast the item becomes useless, nor so slow enough that the item's decay is beyond negligible.

Keeping a item condition system in a game with just weapons and armor is imbalanced enough as is. Trying to tie it to weapon mods/parts would only make the problem a hundred times worse, as now you not only have improper time to set just the base weapons/armor condition rates properly, but now you lack the time to set the item condition decay rates on the mods improperly as well.

All keeping item condition in a system with weapon/armor mods would do would be doubling up the problems item condition systems have in the first place, making the game, and the systems in it, more unbalanced.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:43 pm

no metter how slow it broke u will end in on those situation, and that ISNT A IMPROVE. Games arent suppose to punish u, they are suppose to be fun and reward u. What u ask is a game mechanics or system that is archaic and stop been use on game long time go.

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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:54 am

And I said I'm fine with being in those situations.

Gives me a feel of challenge and a reason to switch to melee weapons or fists or something else if my guns are broken.

Actually video games are supposed to punish you as well as being fun to play it's why I started playing them close to 3 decades ago.

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Becky Cox
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:06 am

The repair system in 3/NV wasnt particularly deep, but with some minor adjustments I found it to be pretty cool. The biggest thing for me was having jams happen on firing aswell as reload, and having a substantial chance of them happening below 80% condition.

It was pretty cool for the realism/RP mind that I like but then it added some more problems to the gameplay. It made me significantly more powerful compared to my enemies, since it was easy to keep my weapons in prime condition in both games, whereas raiders don't have the luxury of being a PC. Since it effected the raiders just as much as it effected me, they often spent more time trying to clear jams than actually firing at me, lowering the difficulty a fair bit.

In the 7 years of playing Fallout 3 and the 5 years of New Vegas I have never once had my main weapon break on me. Even now with the forever characters with a realistic amount of weapons to carry, they have never been put in danger despite heavy use of their small amount of weapons. Really im not sure what a good all-fitting solution to it would be. I go for realism and RP, so I liked the heavy jamming, but then people who play for challenge might dislike that for the reasons ive already said. Some people also dislike having to spend time on upkeep, and prefer the game to be more focused on solving quests or action fighting. The time not spent solving quests for them would be dead weight, and this ties into a whole bunch of other gameplay mechanics that are not even related to weapon repair.

Bethesda has a pretty tough job, making a game that everyone can enjoy equally. I think they must have tried a whole bunch of different solutions to this problem, and ultimately they know how the game works and doesn't work better than any of us here. I hate to do a appeal to authority, but from where I am standing I just can't see any solution to add more onto the system without causing a imbalance in how its enjoyed by the large variety of players that has made the game a powerhouse.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:34 am

i think ppl keep missing the point, really, forcing u to carrie 1000 repair kits or 10 of the same weapons isnt adding challenge to a campaign, is just adding a annoying mechanic that dont add anything.

Challenge like it was said early is make stink-pack heal u over time and no 50% of your life in 1 shoot.

Challange is to dont freeze time on VATS anymore so u can still get shoot if u take forever to choose the target.

Challange isnt something u can work around having to access your inventory and clicking a item to get it back to 100%

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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:53 am

the solution to ur "challenge" is ppl carrying 2-5 of the same favorite weapons so they keep using it..... see no challenge there.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:24 pm

To be completely candid that's not only not my problem as a consumer, Bethesda is in the business of making convoluted games; if obsidian can maintain that balance on a smaller scale then it should be expected of Bethesda to do similarly on a larger scale with the time and money they have at their disposal.

Also I'd like a source that it is indeed '100 times harder' to maintain the balance across the possible armor and wepon modifications in Fallout; at least that way I'll see the truth behind your hyperbolic [censored].
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:34 pm

Once again eliminate having to carry 1,000 of the same weapons and be able to store them in a container by your workbench and repair them there.

A challenge is also having to maintain your armor and weapons. And always to be on your guard if your armor or weapons break.

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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:25 pm

I think the worst its been implemented is in Oblivion, with my mage carrying a mace that he has to rub a repair hammer on after every fight. The repair hammers are everywhere, so as long as you keep an eye on your supply you will never run out. Since the repair condition goes away so quickly, and repair hammers are so effective, it just adds a additional step on the upkeep after a fight. You know, cast that healing spell a few times, rub your weapon on a hammer, breaking up the flow to what should be a dramatic fight with what are essentially errands inbetween each major engagement.

Just a question, have you ever had your main weapons, not the ones you pick up after a fight to flog to vendors, break on you because you haven't been keeping track of their repair?

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:41 pm

That's where using miscellaneous items to repairs weapons should have been implemented, it would also pose an interesting dichotomy between repairing weapons and building/mixing new ones.
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:53 am

Except Obsidian didn't maintain the balance at all, and numerous weapons and armors in NV were complained about degrading too fast or too slow.

You mean basic math? If you lack the time to do something for 70 weapons, doing it for 50+ base weapons and 700+ weapon mods would be a hundred of times worse.

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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:54 pm

Bethesda will be laughing their way to the bank, while you sit here and decry them for removing an "essential" feature few actually care/ed about.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:51 pm

CHALLANGE is that crap breaks in the field and if you don't take care of your crap then it breaks faster, the CHALLANGE is forcing you to take the time to make sure your gear is in good repair before you head out, or maintaining while your in the field, the CHALLANGE is that you have to carry food, water, supplies, and occasionally spare parts to keep yourself and your gear going which in turns mean you may not have the room to pick up all the junk you come across that might look nifty sitting in a locker because you want to have it on hand without becoming encumbered.

I know exactly what challenge is, and with these spoiler revelations about what they took out of the game FO4 doesn't look to have any and my interest in its vanilla replacement offering is dropping by the minute.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:57 am

Yeah that would work as well.

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Sarah Knight
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:39 am

So u force the player to move to a workbench that maybe is far away from your main objective, isnt a challenge u just punish the player w/o reason at all bc maybe u did have 100% armor and weapons when u star the quest but it broke at the middle of it.

Same it goes that u will end with a 100000 little items now to keep repair your armor and weapons.

Plus be real no real weapons break after u shoot that much. If not soldier will be in alot of pain. And as u said early weapons that are old or leave on the open break, most of the weapons u get on fallout are on use.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:13 am

If it had been done well I'd miss it, but it wasn't done well

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oliver klosoff
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:13 pm

Of course obsidian didn't maintain the balance, New Vegas was incapable of doing anything right... I'm sure you would concur?

Simple logistics would eschew having to balance for hundreds of variations, all stocks or scopes could have the same of similar degradation rates etc ([censored] hell it's called an algorithm, hello games made an infinite galaxy out of them).Again Bethesda has the money to assign people to work on any single gameplay system; time should never be a problem for a company that releases core series games nearly a decade a part.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:01 pm

Good, the Player Character (PC) needs some punishment.

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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:02 pm

I like a "random" chance to jam or, given enough time, outright break requiring extensive repairs. When doing my hyper-realistic runs, I'd always carry my primary rifle, sidearm, and combat knife.

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