Apparently there is now armor and weapons degradation system in Fallout 4 I'm very upset now.
Something that made it fun to travel the post apocalyptic world in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas will now make it less enjoyable as it's gone .
Apparently there is now armor and weapons degradation system in Fallout 4 I'm very upset now.
Something that made it fun to travel the post apocalyptic world in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas will now make it less enjoyable as it's gone .
Actually, I found it annoying and a pain in the backside to have to carry around multiples of an item just to keep my main weapon in good condition.
I'm not fussed that it's gone.
it was irrelevant, it was to easy to keep your weapons and armor 100% in any difficulty.
Wouldn't be a pain in your backside if Bethesda Game Studios improved it seeing we have all this crafting in Fallout 4.
Just make armor and weapons break slower and have them be able to be repaired at the workbench. Not in the middle of open land.
Make sense? It does to me.
To be honest, Fallout universe didn't have it. It was a carryover from TES. And Skyrim already removed it. In FO3, it was horrible. NV made it bearable but God knows how much time I wasted on crafting WRKs. Not finding enough electronic gears.. Oh, the gears.. The only way it could be bearable was if it was done the Morrowind style: Buy hammers/prongs etc and repair, money sink.
So it was expected and while I will miss Morrowind repair in TES series, I won't miss FO3 & NV repair system in Fallout series.
Weapon modification system> Weapon repair system.
Instead of a weapon and armor repair system, that, imho, was quite clunky and...bland in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, we got, seemingly, a much better weapon modding and armor modding system. I think the weapon and armor modding system will be far superior and a much better addition to the game, especially since the vanilla repair system in previous Fallout's have been implemented...boringly.
I don't think it's the right decision at all, I'd like to modify my weapons and be able to repair them.
This. All it does is irritates me as I have ocd for perfect weapons. I'm just constantly repairing which is a massive drag that adds little.
It does to me. Weapons break they don't last forever and so does armor and it wouldn't be taking up your inventory space if you can store it at your settlements or places where you have your workbench.
No weapon and armor degredation, no hardcoe mode... again two steps to simplification.
Don't forget your companions not dying or at least the dog companion. Another thing making playing Fallout 4 more easier instead of harder .
It was a bit silly how does a rifle at 20 condition repair one at 80. It could have been done through weapon repair kits but personally I'm happy its gone as I found it a chore.
Yes... Because the repair system was so complex and added so much to the game, and this new weapon modding and armor modding system with over 500 different types of mods that replaced it is simple and childish. Damn those casuals!
None of the companions can be killed, a feature, people have been asking for in Bethesda games for a while due to their wonky A.I. and companions liking to put themselves into harms way and/or get themselves killed.
No, but you know nuclear bombs falling and after 200 years weapons not being stored in environmentally controlled conditions or having oil on them like cosmoline to protect they they get weak they corrode and rust, wood decays, etc.
Since the world is destroyed because the nuclear bombs fell we should also be maintaining our armor and weapons.
Lots and lots of rain and snow rusts metal too.
Well it's not, so... Better to face the music now and try to accept it then be depressed and cry over it (and then making silly statements about it hurting the game, making it too easy, and hurting the game, when mechanically, it factually makes it superior in almost every single way).
Besides. I'm sure killable companions can be/will be modded into the game when the creative tools are released to the community. So I wouldn't fret too much.