So I decided to try out the regular way of playing the game with Hearthfire installed and after I got Windstad Manor this go around, I figured I'd hire a steward that isn't just my housecarl like usual...I looked over the list of candidates kinda said "screw it" and picked Annekke Crag-Jumper.
Problem is, she's dressed like such a dork/backwater yokel, I don't even know what to do. I literally pickpocketed her Miner's clothes since she honestly looks 10x less dumb walking around in her skivvies, and because I'd figure out what to give her.
I'm drawing a blank here.
Anyone have an idea? I've used her as a follower before (she was pretty good too...I did the last part of the quest for Mehrunes' Razor (at the Forsworn place) and expected her to die in like 5 seconds, but she survived and kicked some ass too. I think I gave her scaled armor but it seems like there's probably something I'm missing...
Now if I could jack that denim dress from Ysolda and burn it...curse you Bethesda for making her immortal!