I wouldn't like that, but it would be something I could live with. But it looked to me like the greaves are different. I guess its impossible to tell from the angle of the newest screen.
Or it just means that those greaves are cool looking, and perfect for screenshots.

But yes, it is possible, but unlikely.

I could definitely live with Body+Legs being one slot. I can't think of a situation where I'd set it up any other way, anyway. That's why I like skirts in Morrowind, to hide the ugly mismatch of something like Glass+Chitin legs until I get some Greaves.
Of course, there will be some people who aren't happy until we can equip each articulation in our hands separately(First Metacarpal R. Second Metacarpal R.). But whatever. I'd be fine with Hands+Helm+Feet+Core(Body/UpperLegs) + Accessories (2 rings and a necklace)
Nope, they are just an illusion. I blinked a few times and realized they aren't really there.
Buzzkillington above probably meant something like "They're probably different armors" and while I certainly can't say 100% that they aren't, I looked very carefully at things like the rivets on the scales, and the trimming around the arms/waist, and decided it was pretty clear it was the same Cuirass.