I'm sorry..how about this.. WHEEHH give me speras back, wheeeehh
and did you really trhink I care about I'm I'm cool..I mean, cmon, this is the internet, no one is cool on here, just don't worry and be happy, believe me, it's not as bad as you guys think it's gonna be.
Hold on a SEC! One things is calling us little girls. ITS A WHOLE OTHER THING TO STATE THAT WE, THE PEOPLE HERE COMPLAINING IN A FORUM ABOUT A VIDEO GAME, ARENT COOL! Psssft, you obviously dont understand what cool really is.
If it wasnt cool to whine and pick fights online, now of us COOL PEOPLE would do it. DUH!
Anywho back to topic.
Um... something, something, something... Separate armor.