I still hope it's suits, like this, with the new crafting mechanic, like, you make a "suit"of elven greaves, orcis cuiras, and leather boots and that makes a "suit
Why not just make elven greaves, Orcish cuirass and leather boots, then equip them separately?

To be honest I wouldn't care if the armour came in suits as oppose to different pieces. Mismatching pieces look goofy and aren't a true reflection of how plate armour works. I'd rather be loot hunting for weapons and magical rings than for a matching right boot.
The fallout method sans glasses, with rings, amulets and the ability to customise and upgrade your armour would be my choice. However either way it's not make or break for me, exploration is the reason I love these games not the the ability to dress up my character
Plate Armour? You know, there's not only plate armor in this game. True Reflection, we don't play fantasy games to get the true reflection of something!^^Bur seriously, it's not just about
combining pieces, it's also about leaving some pieces out in your gear. Like having just one pauldron (Gladiator style

) or a bracer on only one arm.
It's also about having the option to not use gauntlets at all, or not use a helmet.
And having iron greaves, and a fur cuirass, or iron bracers while still wearing fur boots.
Too many games leaves those options out!
i am ok with this idea because you wind up wearing a full suit of (insert armor type) anyway. name one playthrough that you ended your character with mixed armor...to look cool doesnt count.
I never wear a full set...
And actually, to look cool is the most important aspect of armor in a single player game. You don't have any other players you have to beat, so your armor is mostly for show.
Man, look at all the mods, if it weren't all about looking cool, why are there so many armor mods?!