I'm working on a town mod at the moment, specifically the local skooma smugglers (which is going to be the equivalent of the Thieve's Guild), which basically is one Khajiit, and his Alfiq (or Alfiq-raht) brothers. For those not familiar with this bit of lore, they're basically Khajiit that look no different to a housecat, hence why I'm using (scaled-down) mountain lions. I don't need them to talk, anyway.
Now, to make things interesting, I'd like these Alfiq to actually wear armour and weapons. Not that they'd be able to use them, but it could make for some interesting loot if someone chose to kill the poor kitties.
If it's possible, I'd like them to wear Leather Boots and Greaves on their hind legs (applying the original textures here would probably be enough), with the Thieve's Toolbelt seen http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26688 over their shoulder or around their waist.
I know next to nothing about making meshes and so on, but I know that this is probably a pretty big request. Still, if someone were kind enough to give it a try for me, I'd be incredibly grateful.
Plus, it would look pretty awesome in that Elsweyr: The Deserts of Anequina mod.