Interesting chart, id debate its accuracy very much so especially in the loosing damage over distance, I drop people at long range if they are standing still just as quick as if at short range.
Regardless here is a video you should all find very interesting.........
If the game wasnt broken in the multiplier/armor mode department then the SCAR would be the same number of hits regardless of range. 30 or 25 still takes 4 shots to deal 100 or more damage which is what is needed to kill. The only time it would make a difference was if Armor mode was working correctly or if you were hitting a low multiplier zone like the legs or arms.
Anyway if you watch the guys other video its inconsistent with the one you posted. Something is definitely going on.
Im not saying IN FACT armour mode IS BROKEN, Im questioning it based on what Ive seen in game, sometimes I flick on Armour and survive 2 guys shooting me and clean them up, other times I get sprayed with the gun barely hitting me and i drop like a sack of crap.
Im not saying this is indeed fact how the armour mode works, it would very well be hit detection.
I had a developer comment on my other thread and he hasnt replied since a guy from my community put the videos up. Its a bit of a joke and you cant argue with the footage because its pretty much factual what you see.