Armour Mode, Is it Pointless? (MUST READ!)

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:34 pm

Interesting chart, id debate its accuracy very much so especially in the loosing damage over distance, I drop people at long range if they are standing still just as quick as if at short range.

Regardless here is a video you should all find very interesting.........

If the game wasnt broken in the multiplier/armor mode department then the SCAR would be the same number of hits regardless of range. 30 or 25 still takes 4 shots to deal 100 or more damage which is what is needed to kill. The only time it would make a difference was if Armor mode was working correctly or if you were hitting a low multiplier zone like the legs or arms.

Anyway if you watch the guys other video its inconsistent with the one you posted. Something is definitely going on.

Im not saying IN FACT armour mode IS BROKEN, Im questioning it based on what Ive seen in game, sometimes I flick on Armour and survive 2 guys shooting me and clean them up, other times I get sprayed with the gun barely hitting me and i drop like a sack of crap.

Im not saying this is indeed fact how the armour mode works, it would very well be hit detection.

I had a developer comment on my other thread and he hasnt replied since a guy from my community put the videos up. Its a bit of a joke and you cant argue with the footage because its pretty much factual what you see.
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Tammie Flint
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:27 pm

Armor mode absorbs 30% of the damage. Also if you were using single shot it would skew the results/
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Lilit Ager
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:44 pm

Armor mode absorbs 30% of the damage. Also if you were using single shot it would skew the results/

30% of the damage? where exactly did you pull that statistic from? It wouldnt skew the results if single shot seeing as ALL the results are in single shot making it an unbiased comparison.

Contrary to popular belief single shot does NOT increase damage, It simply reduces the spread of the weapon so more shots are on target.
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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:29 am

Denkirson takes the dmg values from the gamefiles, so the SHOULD be right.
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Julie Ann
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:25 pm

It coudl also be possible that the demos are different. E.g. nanovision has got limited range on xbox while it has unlimited range on pc.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:57 am

Armor mode absorbs 30% of the damage. Also if you were using single shot it would skew the results/

30% of the damage? where exactly did you pull that statistic from? It wouldnt skew the results if single shot seeing as ALL the results are in single shot making it an unbiased comparison.

Contrary to popular belief single shot does NOT increase damage, It simply reduces the spread of the weapon so more shots are on target.

It does increase damage. Denkirson pulls all his statistics from game files on the PC version. He has done the same thing for every CoD game since number 4 (and MoH and BFBC2) and hasnt been wrong on anything. No offense but he has a bit more credibility than you do.
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:27 pm

Idk what you guys tested but in multi when im playing it is clear that i can take more direct fire than without armor mode. I had already thousands of encounters 1v1 or situations where more than one player is shooting at me and armor mode literally save my a....

Maybe, i'm not saying for sure, but maybe... there is something wrong with with stats of players during game, or with game on other platform than PC. Also in demo each player armor is evolving till lvl 3, so keep that in mind when you test something.

At this moment i really can't agree with what T4S KR4KKEN posted, because armor mode is working for me when ppl shoot at me or when im making crazy jump from roof and use armor mode to minimize dmg when im landing.
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casey macmillan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:00 pm

Armor mode absorbs 30% of the damage. Also if you were using single shot it would skew the results/

30% of the damage? where exactly did you pull that statistic from? It wouldnt skew the results if single shot seeing as ALL the results are in single shot making it an unbiased comparison.

Contrary to popular belief single shot does NOT increase damage, It simply reduces the spread of the weapon so more shots are on target.

It does increase damage. Denkirson pulls all his statistics from game files on the PC version. He has done the same thing for every CoD game since number 4 (and MoH and BFBC2) and hasnt been wrong on anything. No offense but he has a bit more credibility than you do.

And this is the xbox version. and get a friend, go into a game yourself and test for yourself if single shot is more damaging, from my experience it is 4 shots to chest full auto or not.

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Josee Leach
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:40 pm

And this is the xbox version. and get a friend, go into a game yourself and test for yourself if single shot is more damaging, from my experience it is not 4 shots to chest full auto or not.

Regardless of what platform you are testing on you havnt been able to come up with anything consistent yet and now you are even contradicting yourself. The game doesnt sometimes deal 30 damage per shot and sometimes deal 20 damage per shot in the same area with the same guns.

Oh and about the part in bold..

Torso - Armour Mode: 4 shots
Normal Mode: 4 shots
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:30 pm

And this is the xbox version. and get a friend, go into a game yourself and test for yourself if single shot is more damaging, from my experience it is not 4 shots to chest full auto or not.

Regardless of what platform you are testing on you havnt been able to come up with anything consistent yet and now you are even contradicting yourself. The game doesnt sometimes deal 30 damage per shot and sometimes deal 20 damage per shot in the same area with the same guns.

Oh and about the part in bold..

Torso - Armour Mode: 4 shots
Normal Mode: 4 shots

I didnt state those numbers as fact, they are what I found so I hardly contradicted myself. the comparison isnt between single shot and full auto regardless thats off topic and bears no relevance.

And I promise you if you go into a game, and get split from your buddies and test it you will find it makes no difference
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:33 pm

Hmm, however from my personal statistics armor makes significant difference. If I am in armor in shootouts I go down less quickly.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:15 pm

I hardly contradicted myself

Yes you did. Shall I point it out again?

from my experience it is not 4 shots to chest full auto or not.


Ok well me and a friend had an oppurtunity tonight since it split us up on different Teams to test out just how effective armour mode really is.

Torso - Armour Mode: 4 shots
Normal Mode: 4 shots

I didnt state those numbers as fact

Yes you did. You even used the word fact.

It hints to the Fact that Armour Mode does NOT make a difference if your opponent hits you anywhere in the torso (The Chest, Stomach and back Area for the body part noobs amongst us).

Why should anyone acknowledge any arguments you give when you cant even stick to one? Im not going to deny that something is wrong with the game but your arguments are just terrible.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:58 am

Do you even know what a contradiction is?

You said you have never experienced the SCAR being a 4 hit kill to the chest yet in the first post of this thread you claimed it was a 4 hit kill after testing it with your friend.
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Joie Perez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:46 am

I hardly contradicted myself

Yes you did. Shall I point it out again?

from my experience it is not 4 shots to chest full auto or not.


Ok well me and a friend had an oppurtunity tonight since it split us up on different Teams to test out just how effective armour mode really is.

Torso - Armour Mode: 4 shots
Normal Mode: 4 shots

I didnt state those numbers as fact

Yes you did. You even used the word fact.

It hints to the Fact that Armour Mode does NOT make a difference if your opponent hits you anywhere in the torso (The Chest, Stomach and back Area for the body part noobs amongst us).

Why should anyone acknowledge any arguments you give when you cant even stick to one? Im not going to deny that something is wrong with the game but your arguments are just terrible.

I dont see how me or my = me contradicting myself at all.

I said "HINTS to the FACT" I said HINTS, im not saying IT IS, im saying it HINTS at it being possible.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:04 pm

These forums are **** up.. my response is above your post..

Anyway its been proven you are either a liar or an idiot.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:14 pm

These forums are **** up.. my response is above your post..

Anyway its been proven you are either a liar or an idiot.

This just make my day :D

Guys, it's demo.... wait for final game, and then fight over a graqe >.>
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:00 am

I always get head shots so i wouldn't know. :P
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:07 pm

These forums are **** up.. my response is above your post..

Anyway its been proven you are either a liar or an idiot.

yes im a liar........

get yourself back on topic, I said that they HINTED at fact, upgrade your comphrehension seriously or do you not understand the meaning of saying something hints at a fact.

When I say it HINTS at the fact it means that its possible that this is the case, your a complete idiot if you cant pick out the word "HINTS" in that sentence and if you cant see how it completely modifies the outcome of the sentence.

Yes I have so much to gain by lying to an online community with a completely intangible reward of getting the damn game fixed. shut the **** up and appreciatte when somebody does you a service and goes to lengths to explain inconsistencies in a game with solid evidence for your and the communities benefit.

I set this thread up with the best intentions but complete asshole grammar and spelling nazis who drag it off topic with some tyrade about poorly choosen words and a typo really annoy me.

And this is the xbox version. and get a friend, go into a game yourself and test for yourself if single shot is more damaging, from my experience it is not 4 shots to chest full auto or not.

Regardless of what platform you are testing on you havnt been able to come up with anything consistent yet and now you are even contradicting yourself. The game doesnt sometimes deal 30 damage per shot and sometimes deal 20 damage per shot in the same area with the same guns.

Oh and about the part in bold..

Torso - Armour Mode: 4 shots
Normal Mode: 4 shots

As for this I only spotted the typo this morning, I obviously meant to back up my results by saying it was indeed 4 shots. I was up all night from sleep deprivation since ive broke my leg and Im pretty much in alot of pain.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:58 pm

Denkirson takes the dmg values from the gamefiles, so the SHOULD be right.

Well then its quite clear the xbox and PC versions are quite different, I did say this was tested on the xbox version and on that version there is no damage decrease over distance, and single shot is DEFINETELY NOT more powerful.

I tested it again last night with the same result of 4 shots to the chest regardless of full auto or single shot on the xbox version or do i need to make a video of that aswell before people start turning around and calling me a liar?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:56 am

Crysis 1's armour mode took all the damage.
Is that another downgrade I see in the suit?
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:26 pm

Not good idea taking all the damage. It would decrease the depth of play.
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:11 pm

Not good idea taking all the damage. It would decrease the depth of play.

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Jade Payton
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:55 am

I've found that armor seems generally consistent, although it definitely feels like it's doing more on the PC version. Maybe it's a lag issue (xbox live will generally never have a game less than 80+ ping).
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N Only WhiTe girl
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:42 am

I've found that armor seems generally consistent, although it definitely feels like it's doing more on the PC version. Maybe it's a lag issue (xbox live will generally never have a game less than 80+ ping).

I think the xbox version could just have shoddy net code.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:56 pm

It's probably lag. I find that if I'm shooting many bullets into someone and then they turn around and kill me in a couple shots, it's because their ping is much higher than mine. So yeah, the Xbox 360 version probably suffers from this more thanks to the crappy Live peer-to-peer system.

Not good idea taking all the damage. It would decrease the depth of play.

Yeah, it would decrease the depth of play by actually letting you know how much armour mode will absorb so that you can make informed combat decisions...
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