Ok well me and a friend had an oppurtunity tonight since it split us up on different Teams to test out just how effective armour mode really is.
All the tests were conducted with the SCAR assault rifle in single shot.
(to test torso I held my gun in the air to give my friend a clear shot and we also tested shooting in the upper and lower back area, we also tested the stomach and overall they all yielded the same 4 shot result. We tested this is the lower room on skyline beside the GYM dubbed the "pipe Room." We also tested over distance, I.E I stood at furtherest point away in the gym and he stood in the "pipe room" and damage isnt decreased over distance in this game, well we can safely say thats the case.)
Torso - Armour Mode: 4 shots
Normal Mode: 4 shots
legs - Normal Mode: 4 shots
Armour Mode: 8 shots to the thigh, lower leg, 4 in the kneecap?!
(In the legs we noticed an inconsistencey in armour mode, In the knee cap it took 4 shots but in the thigh and calf it took 8 shots)
Arms - Normal Mode: 4 shots all areas
Armour Mode: 4 shots in fore arm, 8 shots in shoulder, upper Arm/shoulder?!
(As you can see here there was an inconsistency in armour mode with the upper arm and lower arm)
As you can see this is rediculous!
It hints to the Fact that Armour Mode does NOT make a difference if your opponent hits you anywhere in the torso (The Chest, Stomach and back Area for the body part noobs amongst us).
Basically that said you better hope your opponent hits you in the upper arm/shoulder or in the legs if you want armour mode to have an effect. (personally I thought it gaurded the whole body, appears this is not the case)
I think this potentially is a major issue with the game and may very well explain the inconsistencies that many of you have been complaining about, and may also be the answer to the arguments about hit detection.
Post your Thoughts and opinions below.
(Im aware that in the full game you rank armour up, but it would be nice to have clarification from the Developers if it levels up the strength of the armour)