A likely BS reason for the armour combining is that it allows for more NPC's on the screen: For as others have pointed out if this was really an issue than my PS3 would crash whenever I brought two trolls and five bandits into town and tried to gather ever npc there by hitting 'em and running... if this was really a that bad issue I am certain Bethesda would have waited 'till nextgen of consoles came out... and besides how can an extra armour slot (with the exact same amount of verticles as it would have if combined) really add that much more? (I ain't that knowledgable about this but it really doesn't make sense to me.
the fact that they could only get extra npcs by combining greaves and cuirass is really really pathetic. consoles are really holding back gaming at this point. :sadvaultboy:
I need to repeat this on this forum every day. Bethesda said no such thing,
people misread and made it up that it allowed them to render more NPC's. It's an incredibly silly and ignorant conclusion. If people finally learn to read, they would know that Bethesda merged the upper and lower body because it's a hell of a lot faster to produce models that way.
So rather than having 10 different armours with separated lower and upper body, you now have 15-20 ones with the merged. Yes, the total amount of possible combinations is greatly reduced, but 95% of the combinations between different armour sets look completely ridiculous. The total amount of variation has decreased, but the amount of good-looking variation has increased. It's all about sacrificing one thing to gain another, but sadly there are a lot of vocal people here that don't have a clue about game development.