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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Crafting 300: Armoury of Tamriel, 1.0.0
This mod is a complete weapons & smithing overhaul, adding countless new weapons to the games crafting and world.
All of the new weapons and Vanilla weapons are retextured and have new material specific shaders and environment maps.
Hundreds of new weapon types!
-Weapon material & style are now independent of each other. Not all Orcish swords are made from orichalcum, and not all orichalcum swords are made in the Orcish style!
-All of the new weapons are craftable by the player at the forge and can be found throughout the game world wherever you'd expect to find weapons.
-Weapon styles (Nordic, Imperial, Dunmer, etc) are unlocked by finding or buying books. Materials are unlocked by the smithing perks.
-Includes new arrows as well, also craftable at the forge.
Dragon-Rune Crafting!
-Craft magical swords and greatswords (54 in all) using Ancient Dragon-Runes to give elemental power to your weapons without use of Enchanting.
-Dragon-Runes can be found in Ancient Nord ruins, especially in the hoards kept by Draugr Bosses.
-Dragon-Rune crafting is an alternative form of weapon enchantment that functions without the use of the enchanting table.
-Approach the forge after you have unlocked "Arcane Smithing" to view the Dragon-Rune crafting recipes.
-Dragon-Runes may occasionally be found for sale in shops.
New weapon Improvement system!
-Weapon's are upgraded at the sharpening wheel using gem dust.
-Gem dust can be produced at the forge using gemstones.
-Gem dust may also be found in shops and dungeons.
-More expensive gem dust is required to upgrade more powerful weapons.
New Smithing Perk Tree!
-No more light/heavy armour branches
-New Silvered Steel perk
-Steel smithing now doubles improvements for iron/leather and other basic materials as well
New textures & shaders for all of the vanilla weapons!
-All Vanilla weapons are retextured and have new material specific shaders and environment maps.
-This includes all Vanilla basic weapons, Vanilla Unique weapons and Vanilla artifact weapons.
-Queen Freydis sword now looks fit for a queen! As an example.
Future plans:
All of the above, but for armor as well.
45 New Unique Weapons
-Completely new and unique weapons returning from previous TES games.
-Hidden throughout the world and protected by powerful enemies.
Current Team:
ishmaeltheforsaken: lead, CK work, weapon textures
Arctorius: armor textures
Albatross: CK work, writing
Baratan: mod creator and advisor
V1 Team:
Baratan: Mod lead, CK work, weapon textures.
Albatross: CK work, writing.
Arctorius: writing.