» Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:20 am
Neat toy. Wasn't it rolled out as
But $35k can buy quite a few LAW's or M203's (and rounds) and training, which near as I can tell, does pretty much the same job. :shrug:
Lehner said the Army plans to purchase at least 12,500 XM25 systems beginning next year -- enough for one system in each infantry squad and Special Forces team.
The military isn't overly concerned that the weapon might be captured by the enemy, because they would be unable to obtain its highly specialized ammunition, batteries and other components. Lehner said he expects other nations will try to copy its technology, but it will be very cost-prohibitive.
12,500 x 35,000...plus training....:rolleyes:
And I love their security prcedure...I wonder who the author considers enemies? With that expense, will it be a sensitive item with associated recovery missions?
Specialized ammo in my mind means scarce ammo. Special batteries...erm same principle.
Dunno, there are those with much more expertise and experience saying this is a waste.
But it looks cool!