Hi all.
Do you know if a mod which replaces arrowhead with more "normal" ones does exists?
Explanation: some arrows such as iron and steel ones got historical arrowheads (see the image below, iron is number 4 and steel is similar to number 14) , but other ones such as dragonbone and daedric got strange shapes ( like the number 3 and 13)
I think it is a big mistake, in real life those strange shapes would never be able to pierce an armor, them were designed for unprotected target such as animals and birds.
A mod which allows to craft 2 or 3 different arrowheads for each material would be great,it would be much more realistic.
I think that every arrow should be craftable in those variants,each one with bonus and malus.
Bodkin or Armor Piercing- Ignore some armor but do less damage. (number 8)
Normal- Deal the normal amount of damage but suffers slightly if the target wears armor (number 4)
Specific for fleshy enemies- Deal a large amount of damage but suffers a lot if the target wears armor ( could be number 12)
Here is the image with various arroheads
Unfortunately i don't know how to create a mod like this, but if someone wish to try i would certainly try to help him.